Research Management Group (RMG)

St. Baldrick's Foundation-Pediatric Cancer
Grants and Fellowship-Spring Cycle 2015

***Limited awards pertaining to pediatric cancer-a university-wide internal Stanford selection process is required. The number of applicants permitted in each category varies (see below >>)

The internal selection process for 2015 has been completed. This webpage is for your reference only.

Internal Cancer Institute deadline: Friday, Jan. 16, 2015, 3 p.m. (see the internal submission guidelines)
Letter of intent: January 30, 2015 via proposal central
Full application: April 3, 2015 via proposal central
Award begins July 1, 2015

Program Guidelines
Download PDF file of the 2015 Guidelines >> PDF file

NOTE: St. Baldrick’s Foundation funds may not be used for human embryonic stem cell research.

During each grant cycle, a researcher can only apply once as the lead Principal Investigator.

Number of applicants: limited according to the grant category:

UNLIMITED numbers of applicants permitted:
Consortium Research grants
($100K-$500K/yr for 1-5 yrs) more >>

TWO applicants permitted:
Research grants $100K for 1 year more >>

ONE applicant permitted for each of these programs:

  • St. Baldrick's Fellows more >>
  • St. Baldrick's Scholar (Career Development Award) $110K/yr x 3 yrs, with an opportunity for two additional years. (Years 4-5, if funded, will be up to $115K/yr) more >>
  • Supportive Care Research Grants $50K for 1 yr more >>
  • St. Baldrick’s International Scholar (Career Development Award) $110,000/year, three year minimum more >>

Miscellaneous program:
Summer Fellows
(NOTE: the Stanford Cancer Institute will contact the Foundation in order to facilitate Stanford's institutional application for this $5,000 award.) more >>


Grant and Fellowship Categories and Eligibility

Unlimited numbers of applicants
permitted from Stanford for this category ONLY. The internal selection process does NOT apply to Consortium research grants:

Consortium Research grants ($100K-$500K/yr for 1-5 yrs) consortia or groups of 3-5 or more institutions collaborating on specific research projects which are hypothesis driven and may be either laboratory or clinical in nature. More than one application may be permitted by an institution acting as lead therefore, all applicants may submit their letters of intent by Jan. 30, 2015 deadline via proposal central
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility.


Only TWO applicants are permitted from Stanford for the following grant category

Research grants These one-year $100,000 grants are for specific research projects which are hypothesis driven and may be either laboratory, clinical, or epidemiological in nature.
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility
(see internal submission guidelines below)


Only ONE application is permitted from Stanford for these fellowship and grant categories

St. Baldrick's Fellows
Only one applicant is permitted.
The Foundation funds years 3-5 of a pediatric oncology research fellowship, with an opportunity for one additional year of funding. (Fellow’s salary & benefits only.) One of the foundation’s goals is to have funded one fellowship at each institution that has a pediatric oncology fellowship program. The Foundation encourages applications from institutions which have not previously received St. Baldrick's funding for this grant mechanism.
Eligibility: Applicants should hold an M.D. or an M.D./Ph.D. degree by the date the grant becomes effective. Applicants must be employed by an academic or non-profit research institution or laboratory.
Fellows must have completed at least 2 years of clinical training prior to becoming a St. Baldrick’s Fellow.
Award is for two years of fellowship training, with a possible additional year of funding based upon the demonstration of significant accomplishment.
Applicants must have a Fellowship Mentor who provides supervision, facilities and research support at an American Board of Pediatrics approved fellowship program in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
Applicants need not be American citizens; however, they must be associated with an American Board of Pediatrics approved fellowship program.
(see internal submission guidelines below)

St. Baldrick's Scholar (Career Development Award)
Only one applicant is permitted.
$110K/yr x 3 yrs, with an opportunity for two additional years. (Years 4-5, if funded, will be up to $115K/yr)
Stanford eligibility clarification: must be assistant professors with PI eligibility who have held such a position no longer than 5 years at the time the award begins, post-fellowship.
Applicants cannot hold a K award at the time that they apply (as of April 3, 2015).
Applicants need not be U.S. citizens, but they must work at an institution in the U.S..
All awards will be payable to the Scholar’s academic institution, nonprofit research institution or laboratory. Applicants should hold an M.D. or an M.D./Ph.D. degree by the date the award becomes effective. Applicants must have completed a pediatric oncology research fellowship or equivalent training. Applicants must have a Sponsor who provides supervision, facilities and research support at an American Board of Pediatrics approved program in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Applicants need not be American citizens; however, they must be associated with an American Board of Pediatrics approved program.
(see internal submission guidelines below)

Supportive Care Research Grants

Only one applicant is permitted.
These $50,000 grants are for specific research projects which are hypothesis driven and focus on areas related to the supportive care of children and adolescents with cancer. Examples include but are not limited to: studies related to symptom clusters, patient-reported outcomes/quality of life, health communication, health promotion, and psychosocial support across the trajectory from diagnosis to survivorship or end-of-life care.
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility
(see internal submission guidelines below)

St. Baldrick’s International Scholar (Career Development Award)

(see internal submission guidelines below)
Purpose: This three year award, with an option for two additional years, is available to train researchers from low- and middle- income countries (as classified by the World Bank) to prepare them to fill specific stated needs in an area of childhood cancer research upon returning to their home country.
Amount of funding: $110,000/year, three year minimum:
All awards will be payable to the Scholar’s (sponsor's*) academic institution(s), nonprofit research institution(s) or laboratory(ies). *Per clarification from the foundation- the award would be made payable to Stanford and that Stanford would be responsible for the distribution of funds via subawards to the applicant's institution.
The program official indicated it is likely potential applicants would be drawn from an institution's existing international programs.
# of applicants:
-Sponsoring [training] institutions [Stanford*] may submit only one new International Scholar Award application per year.
-Who is the PI? The applicant is the PI**who submits his/her application through Stanford with the help of his/her Stanford faculty mentor (with PI eligibility) **Only one International Scholar will be considered for funding for the same participating low or middle-income country institution. Eligible countries are those included in the World Bank Classification as Low, Middle-Low and Middle-High income countries. (Concurrent International Scholars with different funding periods are allowed.)
Applicant (PI) eligibility:

  • Applicants should hold a Ph.D., M.D. or D.O. degree or international equivalent by the date the award becomes effective (by July 1, 2015).
  • Applicants must be early-career and possibly hold a junior faculty-level position at an academic or nonprofit, research institution or laboratory, and must have held such a position for no longer than five years at the time of the application deadline.
  • Awardees will need to obtain appropriate work authorization to complete their carefully constructed project and return to their home country following completion of their training.
  • Applicants must have completed a pediatric oncology fellowship or two years of equivalent training.
  • Applicants will need to demonstrate the specific pediatric oncology research need of the institution in their home country and how this training will meet that need. The research proposal will need to be integrated within the broader context of advancing care and building capacity in the institution of origin.
  • Applicants must have a Sponsor (Stanford faculty member with PI eligibility) who provides supervision, facilities and research support, from a Pediatric Program.
  • The research proposal must include 2-3 years of training between the sponsor country and the institution of origin, as well as the implementation of a carefully constructed project plan at the institution of origin.
  • Selection criteria will include the scientific quality and impact of proposed training, the potential for
    the Scholar to continue training other investigators in their country of origin, and the commitment
    of the scholar’s home institution to develop and continue the research program in order to increase
    the chances of long-term success.

Miscellaneous categories:




Fundng Priorities and Categories:

Current funding priorities are divided into four categories and five focus areas:

  • New discovery research
  • Translational research and early phase clinical trials
  • Phase III clinical trials & infrastructure support of participating institutions (primarily the fall grant cycle)
  • Education of new pediatric oncology researchers

In addition to research to understand the biology of childhood cancers and discover leads to more effective treatments, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Adolescents & young adults
  • Survivorship, outcomes and quality of life
  • Supportive care
  • Epidemiological studies
  • Alternative therapies

Internal Submission Guidelines

By Friday, Jan. 16, 2015, 3 p.m., please send one PDF file containing the following (in the order listed below) to:

Denise Baughman
Project Manager, Stanford Cancer Institute

Note: you do not have to submit your internal proposals through your institutional representative, you can submit it directly per these instructions.

Reminder: NOTE: During each grant cycle, a researcher can only apply once as the lead Principal Investigator.

1) Title page
Title of this RFA: St. Baldrick's Foundation
Grant/Fellowship Category (indicate one of the following):
-St. Baldrick's Scholar Career Development Award
-Research Grant
-Supportive Care Research Grant
-St. Baldrick's Fellowship
-St. Baldrick's International Scholars
Project title
Name of the PI**, title, department, contact information, address, email, phone #
Faculty sponsor/mentor**: name, title, department
**For a International Scholar proposal: the PI is the international scholar-provide the name, title, institution, address, phone and email. Please also list the faculty mentor/sponsor, title, department/division, address, phone, email
**For a Fellowship proposal: the PI is the pediatric clinical fellow, so provide his/her contact information. Please include the name of his/her fellow's faculty mentor, title, address, phone and email)

2) Brief research proposal
(1-2 pages-- references and illustrations included in page total)

For international scholar proposals- per the guidelines: " The research proposal must include 2-3 years of training between the sponsor country and the institution of origin, as well as the implementation of a carefully constructed project plan at the institution of origin". Therefore, the international scholar's Stanford faculty mentor/sponsor should provide this information in the brief research proposal.

3) PI's** Four page biosketch or CV
**For the International Scholar proposal: provide the CV for the international scholar

4) PI's Other funding (this must include your current or pending other support: name of sponsor, term, amount of funding)
For the International Scholar provide the other funding for the international scholar (this can also be included in the scholar's CV)


Selection process
Your proposals will be reviewed by the Stanford Cancer Institute review committee.

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