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Title I, Part A, Targeted Assistance Schools

Provides background information about the use of funds and program services in Title I schools with targeted assistance status.

Title I, Part A, funds in a targeted assistance school (TAS) are used in the following ways:

  • To provide services to eligible children identified by the school as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state's academic content standards.
  • To supplement the services that would be provided by nonfederal sources, in the absence of the Title I, Part A, funds.
  • To support methods and instructional strategies that are proven to be effective and that strengthen the core curriculum.

Records must be maintained to document that Title I, Part A, funds are spent only on activities and services for eligible students.

Program Services in a Targeted Assistance School

In general, each TAS must use Title I, Part A, funds to help participating children meet the state academic content standards. Students eligible for services must be identified on the basis of multiple, educationally related, objective criteria established by the local educational agency (LEA) and supplemented by a school.

The school program should reflect the use of effective teaching methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientific research, strengthen the core academic program, and accomplish the following objectives:

  • Incorporate extended learning time opportunities for students (e.g., summer, before, and after school).
  • Provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum.
  • Minimize removing students from the regular classroom during regular school hours.
  • Coordinate with and support the regular educational program, which may include services to help preschool children transition from early childhood programs (e.g., Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or state-run preschool programs) to elementary school programs.
  • Provide instruction by highly qualified teachers.
  • Provide teachers, principals, paraprofessionals (including other pupil services personnel), parents, and other staff members with opportunities for professional development as stipulated under Title I, Part A, and other sources.
  • Provide strategies to increase parental involvement and family literacy services.
  • Coordinate and integrate federal, state, and local services and programs including but not limited to violence prevention, nutrition, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training programs.
  • Coordinate Title I, Part A, resources with other resources.
  • Review continually the progress of participating children and revise the TAS program, if necessary, to enable such children to meet the state's content standards.
  • Integrate staff paid with Title I, Part A, funds with non-Title I staff in professional development and school planning activities but ensure that time spent by Title I staff is providing supplemental services to targeted students.
  • Ensure that planning for participating Title I students is incorporated into existing school plans.
Questions: Monique Moton | | 916-319-0733 
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