Stanford offers several channels through which student artists can find funding for curricular and extracurricular projects.
Every year, Stanford Arts helps fund hundreds of projects by Stanford artists across artistic disciplines.
Stanford Arts offers grants to Stanford students, faculty, and academic staff members in order to weave arts experiences into the fabric of campus life. The grants foster the communion of members of diverse communities and disciplines around art, support the vibrant student arts community, drive the innovation of new art forms and ways of engaging with art, and bring arts professionals onto campus to inspire and collaborate with students and practitioners.
Quarterly Student Arts Grants support extracurricular on-campus student performances and events across the arts (performing arts, spoken word, film, and visual arts). Grants are open to undergraduate and graduate students.
Offered by the Stanford Arts Office of the Associate Dean for the Advancement of the Arts.
Primary Contact: Sabrina Wilensky (, 650.725.0152)
To support the burgeoning arts careers of recent Stanford graduates, this annual award provides funding toward a public production, exhibition, publication, or other original work in any arts discipline to occur during the upcoming year.
Offered by the Stanford Arts Office of the Associate Dean for the Advancement of the Arts.
Primary Contact: Sabrina Wilensky (, 650.725.0152)
Mashup Grant
The MashUp Grant seeks to support artists and creations that do not fit neatly into pre-existing groups, classes, and departments on campus. It is designed to encourage collaboration and experimentation, and to support projects that give audiences new insight into the possibility of art.
Offered by the Stanford Arts Office of the Associate Dean for the Advancement of the Arts.
Primary Contact: Sophia Villarreal (, 650.725.0054)
Student Organizing Committee for the Arts (SOCA)
Performance and exhibition opportunities for campus artists across all genres. Recurring events include Acoustic Jukebox and Tuesdays in the Pool Room. Annual events include the Winter Arts Party and Art After Dark.
Braden Grant for the Study of Oral Narrative
This grant supports the research and creation of an audio documentary based on oral history archives or interviews conducted by the student. Awarded spring quarter.
Offered by the Stanford Storytelling Project.
Stanford Institute for General Management (SIGM) Humanities & Science Funding
Stanford’s Summer Institute for General Management (SIGM) is a four-week residential program at the Graduate School of Business for college students around the world who major in non-business fields. Stanford humanities and arts majors may qualify for funding to attend SIGM, where they can discover how to bring their academic passions to the world by leveraging business skills.
Student Activities and Leadership (SAL)
Formally recognized student organizations should explore additional funding opportunities available for on-campus programming and events. Students are encouraged to meet with SAL peer advisors during office hours to explore these opportunities.
UAR Grants
Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) offers a variety of grants for research, arts, and senior synthesis projects in any field.
Deadlines vary by grant program.
Robert M. Golden Medal for Excellence in the Humanities and the Creative Arts
(offered by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education)
The Robert M. Golden Medal for Excellence in the Humanities and the Creative Arts is awarded to the top 10 percent of all honors theses in the humanities, as well as to designated senior projects or performance in the arts.
Sudler Prize
(offered by the School of Humanities and Sciences)
The Louis Sudler Prize in the Performing and Creative Arts was established in 1983 by Louis Sudler, an enthusiastic patron of and participant in the arts in his hometown of Chicago until his death in 1992. Prizes are awarded annually to outstanding students in each of the following areas: music, art, theater and performance studies, creative writing, and dance.
Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Awards
(offered by the Office of the University Registrar)
The Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Awards recognize distinctive and exceptional contributions to undergraduate education or the quality of student life at Stanford. The contribution may be made for such activities as curriculum design, program development, advising excellence, residential education, committee leadership, or extracurricular education.
Multiple opportunities for majors and non-majors in performance and composition.
Creative Writing
Prizes in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction open to all undergraduates.
Geballe Prize for Writing
(offered by the Cantor Arts Center)
The Geballe Prize was established to encourage Stanford faculty and students to utilize the Cantor Arts Center as a resource for intellectual discovery by honoring outstanding examples of writing related to the Cantor, its collections, exhibitions, or programs. Submissions may be analytical, argumentative, or creative prose or poetry written by freshmen and sophomore students independently or as part of coursework in any discipline.
Funding/Support Contact
Sabrina Wilensky
Office of the Associate Dean