Watch: SICHL researchers discuss how they are making lifesaving drugs safer for the ear

    Clinician-Scientist Training Program in Otolaryngology

    Dr. Oghalai and Dr. Cheng recently received word that they will be getting an NIH grant to start the Clinician-Scientist Training Program in Otolaryngology at Stanford. Below are excerpts from the grant proposal, which give an idea

    By |March 3rd, 2016|Categories: Updates|0 Comments

    Research Report 2015

    As you may be aware SICHL is a part of the large department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) here at Stanford School of Medicine. OHNS is consistently the highest ranked clinical department at Stanford. You can read more about the clinical work in the annual letter from the department Chair, Dr. Robert Jackler. Below is the Research Report from 2015 and covers all the areas of research within OHNS.   Research Report 2015 (Assembled by Stefan Heller, information provided by individual investigators) Our departmental research laboratories have welcomed two new laboratory heads in 2015.  Drs. Elisabeth Erickson-DiRenzo and Eben Rosenthal increase the breadth of research areas in the department to include treatments of voice disorders and better diagnostic imaging for cancer surgery.  At the core of our research endeavor are seven laboratories that investigate hearing and balance with the shared goal of advancing diagnosis and ultimately treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders (see also  Research among these laboratories stretches from molecular/cell biology and animal physiology to applied projects such as novel imaging technologies for better surgical planning in human cochlear implant patients. 

    Life in the Lab: Mary O’Sullivan

    By Mary O'Sullivan Post Doctoral Researcher in the Cheng and Ricci Labs In September 2015 I joined the labs of Professors Alan Cheng and Anthony Ricci at Stanford to further my research aimed at preventing

    Life in the Lab: Sara Talaei

    by Sara Talaei, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Ricci Lab Experiencing a deep, pure joy in learning and exploring various fields of science has been one of the greatest gifts of the universe to me.