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In Puebla, PESD Researchers Team Up With Stanford Students To Conduct Energy Use Survey

Stanford students, under the guidance of the Stanford Program on Energy and Sustainable Development and in partnership with the Freeman Spogli Institute and the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), are currently administering surveys throughout Puebla, Mexico. The surveys primarily consist of three stages: determining a household's energy consumption, educating the household on how their electricity bill is calculated, and suggesting at least one cost-saving strategy the household could adopt. The research project is a continuation of the work that the students began in Econ 121: Social Science Field Research Methods and Applications, taught by Ognen Stojanovski, Frank Wolak, and Mark Thurber. The trip to Mexico will last for four weeks. 

You can follow the experiences of the students at their blog

In addition, the students have been posting pictures from their trip on the FSI Instagram

Link to Econ 121

Link to the FSI Student Programs Facebook Page