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Applying to Coterm

Application Fee: Students who accept an offer of admission and are matriculated into the program are assessed a $125 coterm application fee.

Applications for admission to a coterminal program must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Applicants must have earned a minimum of 120 units toward graduation (UTG) as shown on the undergraduate transcript. This includes allowable transfer, Advanced Placement (AP) exam and other external test credit.

  • Applicants must have completed six non-summer quarters at Stanford; or two non-summer quarters at Stanford for transfer students.

  • Applicants must have declared an undergraduate major

  • Applicants must submit their application and, if admitted, respond to the offer of admission no later than the quarter prior to the expected completion of their undergraduate degree. This is normally the Winter Quarter prior to Spring Quarter graduation.

  • Applicants must meet the requirements and deadlines established by the department or program to which they are applying.

  • Applicants are only permitted to apply to one coterminal program per term.

  • Coterminal students must have the bachelor’s degree conferred before adding a second advanced degree program.

To apply for admission to a coterminal master’s program, students must submit to the prospective graduate department the following:

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores or other requirements may be specified by the prospective department.

At this time, the Electrical EngineeringComputer Science, Biology, English, Sociology and Management Science and Engineering departments, as well as Graduate School of Education coterm programs are accepting online applications. See the respective web sites for more information. All coterm programs will accept online applications beginning in the 2016-17 academic year.