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Housing Accommodations

The OAE provides accommodations in both housing and dining based on medically documented disabilities. Each student’s needs are determined on an individualized, case-by-case basis. 

To provide needed housing accommodations the OAE works in coordination with a number of other offices on campus such as Housing Assignments, Housing Operations, and Residential and Dining Enterprises.

Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible as timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations.  Similarly, it is the student's responsibility to notify the OAE as early as possible as to any problems experienced in the obtaining of housing accommodations and services.

Role of OAE

The OAE’s role is to determine the specific housing and/or dining accommodations a student requires based on their documented disability.

Role of Housing Assignments Office

The actual assignment to a particular Stanford residence is made by Housing Assignments. 

For general information about housing and dining see Residential and Dining Enterprises