News and resources for Stanford clinical and translational researchers.
50-cent paper microscope gains national attention
Manu Prakash, PhD, and his team have developed an ultra-low-cost paper microscope for education and disease diagnosis in developing regions. The invention was recently featured in a TED Talk and the New York Times. Early prototypes were funded through a Spectrum-CTSA pilot grant.
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Heart devices highlighted in Stanford Medicine magazine
Michael McConnell, MD, from cardiovascular medicine, and Uday Kumar, MD, from Biodesign, discuss the regulatory hurdles, funding issues and institutional inertia that medical technologists face in moving medical devices from the benchtop to mainstream medical use. 
More from Stanford Medicine magazine
METRICS to promote research excellence
The Meta-Research Innovation Center, called METRICS, is a new center at Stanford that aims to transform research practices to improve the reproducibility, efficiency and quality of scientific investigation. John Ioannidis, MD, DSc, and Steven Goodman, MD, MHS, PhD, invite Stanford community members to join their initiatives.
More from Inside Stanford Medicine
Short course on diagnostic, prediction and screening tests, 
July 21-23

Learn the principles and methods by which tests should be developed and evaluated. Geared towards researchers and others interested in evaluating test evidence for clinical use, commercial-ization or reimbursement, the format will mix lectures, case studies, and labs. Knowledge of basic biostatistics and epidemiology is necessary. It will be directed by Steven Goodman, MD, MHS, PhD.
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New CyTOF 2 flow cytometer available to researchers
Nicknamed Cyrano for its ability to sniff out dozens of parameters simultaneously in a single cell, the CyTOF 2 analyzes cells labeled with antibody-conjugated, stable, heavy-metal isotopes using time-of-flight atomic mass cytometry. Compared to a FACS analyzer, the device provides data for a much larger number of markers per sample. At Stanford, it’s being used for basic and translational research in cancer, immunology, and cell biology.
More from Stanford Shared Facilities
Spectrum awards pilot grants to 23 projects
Twenty-three biomedical teams from Stanford have received a total of $867,184 in research funding through the Spectrum pilot grant program. This year grants were awarded in five areas: medical technologies; therapeutics; population health; community engagement; and a new category, diagnostics and predictive medicine.
More from Inside Stanford Medicine

Spectrum negotiates deeper hospital discounts for clinical studies
Did you know that Spectrum subsidizes up to $100,000 of Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU) services per investigator per year for NIH- or non-profit-funded studies? In addition, Spectrum has negotiated researcher discounts of 60% to 90% off both Stanford and Packard Children's hospital fees for clinical studies. Download the budget-and-billing worksheet, or the CTRU budget planner, within Spectrum’s Study Navigator for details. 
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Intensive Course in Clinical Research (ICCR): Study design and performance,” Sept. 8-12, 2014
Join Spectrum for five packed days of professional development in research study design. This intensive immersion experience in clinical research is intended for new investigators at the junior faculty, resident or fellow level.
More from the Spectrum website
New online courses for researchers
Spectrum has developed a number of online courses to help educate researchers on important aspects of study design, biostatistics, bioethics, science writing and regulatory knowledge.
More from the Spectrum website
Workshops, seminars and training
Spectrum maintains a calendar of the many educational activities related to clinical and translational research held each month.
More from the Spectrum education calendar
The Stanford Disease Detectives Series, 6pm, May 13, LK120
Big Data in Biomedicine conference, May 21-23
Stanford Medicine X conference, Sept. 5-7
Don’t forget to cite the grant
Projects that are supported by Spectrum’s new Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) — through funding, consulting, CTRU use or other services — are required to use this acknowledgement wording for publications, news releases, websites and other communications:
“This work was supported by the Stanford Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) to Spectrum (UL1 TR001085). The CTSA program is led by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”
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Image credits: Norbert von der Groeben (boy, faculty photos); Lincoln Agnew (illustration); Allan Reiss lab (brain scan); DVS Sciences (Cytof)

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