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Taming Your Inner Critic While Clarifying Inner Success

Learn practical and proactive methods to tame your inner critic and succeed academically and professionally in this interactive workshop, for all graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

Do these sound familiar “I’m not smart enough,” “When will they find out,” “My leadership style is all wrong”?  Do you know how to dive into the critic data and use it for your own power?  What if your fears, doubts and critics pointed the way to clarifying your authentic definition of success and how best to achieve it?  Could they really be related?  YES, indeed they are.  Take a unique and challenging look deep into your inner critic – as a way to shift the energy and power to discovering your own strengths, values and identity.  More importantly, take a deep dive into the story of your success, meaning and satisfaction and, similarly, learn to direct, amplify and align your action to this.  This workshop doesn’t just ‘talk’ about why we have inner critics and doubts – it will show you practical, hands-on, repeatable tools that become life skills as you grow, change and increase your breadth of impact.  You will experience your own and others’ stories around success and doubt that will help you realize you’re not alone.  Be ready to feel more resilient and capable when facing the day to day challenges of life.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • The six classic inner critics and dive into knowing their wily ways so you can head them off earlier
  • Practical tools to combat the critic messages with data diving and new perspectives.
  • The dynamic relationship between your critics and what really matters to you – the divine and powerful parts you can focus on instead.
  • How to build your “CORE” muscles of success that serve as your internal guidance system.
  • How sharing your experiences, both of doubt and success, lead to support and connection.

INSTRUCTOR: Stacey Sargent

WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014 from 4:15PM - 6:15PM

Stacey Sargent’s website

Time Commitment: 
Learning Experience: 

Registration Process

Registration is closed. 

Open to all Stanford graduate students and postdocs.