CS1C: Introduction to Computing at Stanford
CS1C is a 1 unit, Fall Quarter class that is offered in dorms that house freshmen and is taught by the dorm's RCC(s). This class is intended for students with limited computer experience or who want to learn more about Stanford's computing environment. Topics include: computer maintenance and security, computing resources, Internet privacy, and copyright law, and more.
CS2C: Introduction to Media Production
This course teaches students how to use popular multimedia software like Photoshop and GarageBand, and digital camcorders to complete a number of hands-on projects requiring image, audio, and video editing.
Students who take this course will become familiar with Macintosh and Windows operating system maintenance and troubleshooting, and get a foundation in essential hardware and software concepts. Topics include operating systems, networking, security, troubleshooting methodology with emphasis on Stanford's computing environment.
This course helps students become effective peer tutors.
This course offers special study under the direction of lecturer, usually leading to a written report or an oral presentation.
This course offers special study under direction of lecturer, usually leading to a written report or an oral presentation.