
Afghanistan gas 466 km (2013)
Albania gas 331 km; oil 249 km (2013)
Algeria condensate 2,600 km; gas 16,415 km; liquid petroleum gas 3,447 km; oil 7,036 km; refined products 144 km (2013)
Angola gas 352 km; liquid petroleum gas 85 km; oil 1,065 km; oil/gas/water 5 km (2013)
Argentina gas 29,930 km; liquid petroleum gas 41 km; oil 6,248 km; refined products 3,631 km (2013)
Armenia gas 2,233 km (2013)
Australia condensate/gas 637 km; gas 30,054 km; liquid petroleum gas 240 km; oil 3,609 km; oil/gas/water 110 km; refined products 72 km (2013)
Austria gas 4,736 km; oil 663 km; refined products 157 km (2013)
Azerbaijan condensate 89 km; gas 3,890 km; oil 2,446 km (2013)
Bahrain gas 20 km; oil 54 km (2013)
Bangladesh gas 2,950 km (2013)
Barbados gas 33 km; oil 64 km; refined products 6 km (2013)
Belarus gas 5,386 km; oil 1,589 km; refined products 1,730 km (2013)
Belgium gas 3,139 km; oil 154 km; refined products 535 km (2013)
Bolivia gas 5,457 km; liquid petroleum gas 51 km; oil 2,511 km; refined products 1,627 km (2013)
Bosnia and Herzegovina gas 147 km; oil 9 km (2013)
Brazil condensate/gas 251 km; gas 17,312 km; liquid petroleum gas 352 km; oil 4,831 km; refined products 4,722 km (2013)
Brunei condensate 33 km; condensate/gas 86 km; gas 628 km; oil 492 km (2013)
Bulgaria gas 2,887 km; oil 346 km; refined products 378 km (2013)
Burma gas 3,739 km; oil 551 km (2013)
Cameroon gas 53 km; liquid petroleum gas 5 km; oil 1,107 km; water 35 km (2013)
Canada gas and liguid petroleum 100,000 km (2013)
Chad oil 582 km (2013)
Chile gas 3,160 km; liquid petroleum gas 781 km; oil 985 km; refined products 722 km (2013)
China condensate 9 km; gas 48,502 km; oil 23,072 km; oil/gas/water 31 km; refined products 15,298 km; water 9 km (2013)
Colombia gas 4,991 km; oil 6,796 km; refined products 3,429 km (2013)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the gas 62 km; oil 77 km; refined products 756 km (2013)
Congo, Republic of the gas 232 km; liquid petroleum gas 4 km; oil 982 km (2013)
Costa Rica refined products 662 km (2013)
Cote d'Ivoire condensate 101 km; gas 256 km; oil 118 km; oil/gas/water 5 km; water 7 km (2013)
Croatia gas 2,410 km; oil 610 km (2011)
Cuba gas 41 km; oil 230 km (2013)
Czechia gas 7,160 km; oil 536 km; refined products 94 km (2013)
Denmark condensate 11 km; gas 4,377 km; oil 647 km; oil/gas/water 2 km (2013)
Dominican Republic gas 27 km; oil 103 km (2013)
Ecuador extra heavy crude 527 km; gas 71 km; oil 2,131 km; refined products 1,526 km (2013)
Egypt condensate 486 km; condensate/gas 74 km; gas 7,986 km; liquid petroleum gas 957 km; oil 5,225 km; oil/gas/water 37 km; refined products 895 km; water 65 km (2013)
Equatorial Guinea condensate 42 km; condensate/gas 5 km; gas 79 km; oil 71 km (2013)
Estonia gas 868 km (2013)
Finland gas 1,689 km (2010)
France gas 15,322 km; oil 2,939 km; refined products 5,084 km (2013)
Gabon gas 807 km; oil 1,639 km; water 3 km (2013)
Georgia gas 1,596 km; oil 1,175 km (2013)
Germany condensate 37 km; gas 26,985 km; oil 2,826 km; refined products 4,479 km; water 8 km (2013)
Ghana gas 394 km; oil 20 km; refined products 361 km (2013)
Greece gas 1,329 km; oil 94 km (2013)
Guatemala oil 480 km (2013)
Hungary gas 19,028 km; oil 1,007 km; refined products 842 km (2013)
India condensate/gas 9 km; gas 13,581 km; liquid petroleum gas 2,054 km; oil 8,943 km; oil/gas/water 20 km; refined products 11,069 km (2013)
Indonesia condensate 1,064 km; condensate/gas 150 km; gas 11,702 km; liquid petroleum gas 119 km; oil 7,767 km; oil/gas/water 77 km; refined products 728 km; unknown 53 km; water 44 km (2013)
Iran condensate 7 km; condensate/gas 973 km; gas 20,794 km; liquid petroleum gas 570 km; oil 8,625 km; refined products 7,937 km (2013)
Iraq gas 2,455 km; liquid petroleum gas 913 km; oil 5,432 km; refined products 1,637 km (2013)
Ireland gas 2,147 km (2013)
Israel gas 763 km; oil 442 km; refined products 261 km (2013)
Italy gas 20,223 km; oil 1,393 km; refined products 1,574 km (2013)
Japan gas 4,456 km; oil 174 km; oil/gas/water 104 km (2013)
Jordan gas 473 km; oil 49 km (2013)
Kazakhstan condensate 658 km; gas 12,432 km; oil 11,313 km; refined products 1,095 km; water 1,465 km (2013)
Kenya oil 4 km; refined products 928 km (2013)
Korea, North oil 6 km (2013)
Korea, South gas 2,216 km; oil 16 km; refined products 889 km (2013)
Kuwait gas 261 km; oil 540 km; refined products 57 km (2013)
Kyrgyzstan gas 480 km; oil 16 km (2013)
Laos refined products 540 km (2013)
Latvia gas 928 km; refined products 415 km (2013)
Lebanon gas 88 km (2013)
Liberia oil 4 km (2013)
Libya condensate 882 km; gas 3,743 km; oil 7,005 km (2013)
Liechtenstein gas 20 km (2013)
Lithuania gas 1,921 km; refined products 121 km (2013)
Luxembourg gas 142 km; refined products 27 km (2013)
Macedonia gas 268 km; oil 120 km (2013)
Malaysia condensate 354 km; gas 6,439 km; liquid petroleum gas 155 km; oil 1,937 km; oil/gas/water 43 km; refined products 114 km; water 26 km (2013)
Mexico gas 18,074 km; liquid petroleum 2,102 km; oil 8,775 km; oil/gas/water 369 km; refined products 7,565 km; water 123 km (2013)
Moldova gas 1,906 km (2013)
Morocco gas 944 km; oil 270 km; refined products 175 km (2013)
Mozambique gas 972 km; refined products 278 km (2013)
Netherlands condensate 81 km; gas 8,531 km; oil 578 km; refined products 716 km (2013)
New Zealand condensate 331 km; gas 1,936 km; liquid petroleum gas 172 km; oil 288 km; refined products 198 km (2013)
Nicaragua oil 54 km (2013)
Nigeria condensate 124 km; gas 4,045 km; liquid petroleum gas 164 km; oil 4,441 km; refined products 3,940 km (2013)
Norway condensate 578 km; condensate/gas 220 km; gas 8,044 km; oil 3,794 km; oil/gas/water 457 km; water 96 km (2013)
Oman condensate 106 km; gas 4,224 km; oil 3,558 km; oil/gas/water 33 km; refined products 264 km (2013)
Pakistan gas 12,646 km; oil 2,576 km; refined products 1,087 km (2013)
Panama oil 128 km (2013)
Papua New Guinea oil 264 km (2013)
Peru extra heavy crude 786 km; gas 1,526 km; liquid petroleum gas 679 km; oil 1,033 km; refined products 15 km (2013)
Philippines gas 567 km; oil 138 km; refined products 185 km (2013)
Poland gas 14,198 km; oil 1,374 km; refined products 777 km (2013)
Portugal gas 1,344 km; oil 11 km; refined products 188 km (2013)
Qatar condensate 288 km; condensate/gas 221 km; gas 2,383 km; liquid petroleum gas 90 km; oil 745 km; refined products 103 km (2013)
Romania gas 3,726 km; oil 2,451 km (2013)
Russia condensate 122 km; gas 163,872 km; liquid petroleum gas 1,378 km; oil 80,820 km; oil/gas/water 40 km; refined products 13,658 km; water 23 km (2013)
Saudi Arabia condensate 209 km; gas 2,940 km; liquid petroleum gas 1,183 km; oil 5,117 km; refined products 1,151 km (2013)
Senegal gas 43 km; refined products 8 km (2013)
Singapore gas 122 km; refined products 8 km (2013)
Slovakia gas 6,774 km; oil 419 km (2013)
Slovenia gas 844 km; oil 5 km (2013)
South Africa condensate 94 km; gas 1,293 km; oil 992 km; refined products 1,460 km (2013)
Spain gas 10,481 km; oil 616 km; refined products 3,461 km (2013)
Sudan gas 156 km; oil 4,070 km; refined products 1,613 km (2013)
Suriname oil 50 km (2013)
Sweden gas 1,626 km (2013)
Switzerland gas 1,800 km; oil 94 km; refined products 7 km (2013)
Syria gas 3,170 km; oil 2,029 km (2013)
Taiwan condensate 25 km; gas 802 km; oil 241 km (2013)
Tajikistan gas 549 km; oil 38 km (2013)
Tanzania gas 311 km; oil 891 km; refined products 8 km (2013)
Thailand condensate 2 km; gas 5,900 km; liquid petroleum gas 85 km; oil 1 km; refined products 1,097 km (2013)
Trinidad and Tobago condensate 257 km; condensate/gas 11 km; gas 1,567 km; oil 587 km (2013)
Tunisia condensate 68 km; gas 3,111 km; oil 1,381 km; refined products 453 km (2013)
Turkey gas 12,603 km; oil 3,038 km (2013)
Turkmenistan gas 7,500 km; oil 1,501 km (2013)
Ukraine gas 36,720 km; oil 4,514 km; refined products 4,363 km (2013)
United Arab Emirates condensate 533 km; gas 3,277 km; liquid petroleum gas 300 km; oil 3,287 km; oil/gas/water 24 km; refined products 218 km; water 99 km (2013)
United Kingdom condensate 502 km; condensate/gas 9 km; gas 28,603 km; liquid petroleum gas 59 km; oil 5,256 km; oil/gas/water 175 km; refined products 4,919 km; water 255 km (2013)
United States natural gas 1,984,321 km; petroleum products 240,711 km (2013)
Uruguay gas 257 km; oil 160 km (2013)
Uzbekistan gas 10,401 km; oil 944 km (2013)
Venezuela extra heavy crude 981 km; gas 5,941 km; oil 7,588 km; refined products 1,778 km (2013)
Vietnam condensate 72 km; condensate/gas 398 km; gas 955 km; oil 128 km; oil/gas/water 33 km; refined products 206 km; water 13 km (2013)
Yemen gas 641 km; liquid petroleum gas 22 km; oil 1,370 km (2013)
Zambia oil 771 km (2013)
Zimbabwe refined products 270 km (2013)