
Antarctica :: BOUVET ISLAND
Page last updated on September 13, 2016
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  • Introduction :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • This uninhabited, volcanic, Antarctic island is almost entirely covered by glaciers making it difficult to approach; it is recognized as the most remote island on Earth. Bouvet Island was discovered in 1739 by a French naval officer after whom it is named. No claim was made until 1825, when the British flag was raised. In 1928, the UK waived its claim in favor of Norway, which had occupied the island the previous year. In 1971, Norway designated Bouvet Island and the adjacent territorial waters a nature reserve. Since 1977, Norway has run an automated meteorological station and studied foraging strategies and distribution of fur seals and penguins on the island. In February 2006, an earthquake weakened the station's foundation causing it to be blown out to sea in a winter storm. Norway erected a new research station in 2014 that can hold six people for periods of two to four months.
  • Geography :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • island in the South Atlantic Ocean, southwest of the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)
    54 26 S, 3 24 E
    Antarctic Region
    total: 49 sq km
    land: 49 sq km
    water: 0 sq km
    country comparison to the world: 233
    about 0.3 times the size of Washington, DC
    0 km
    29.6 km
    territorial sea: 4 nm
    volcanic; coast is mostly inaccessible
    mean elevation: NA
    elevation extremes: lowest point: South Atlantic Ocean 0 m
    highest point: Olav Peak 935 m
    agricultural land: 0%
    arable land 0%; permanent crops 0%; permanent pasture 0%
    forest: 0%
    other: 100% (93% ice) (2011 est.)
    covered by glacial ice; declared a nature reserve by Norway
  • People and Society :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • uninhabited
  • Government :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • conventional long form: none
    conventional short form: Bouvet Island
    etymology: named after the French naval officer Jean-Baptiste Charles BOUVET who discovered the island in 1739
    territory of Norway; administered by the Polar Department of the Ministry of Justice and Oslo Police
    the laws of Norway, where applicable, apply
    the flag of Norway is used
  • Economy :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • no economic activity; declared a nature reserve
  • Communications :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • .bv
    has an automated meteorological station
  • Transportation :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • none; offshore anchorage only
  • Military and Security :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • defense is the responsibility of Norway
  • Transnational Issues :: BOUVET ISLAND

  • none