Compliance and guidance

Our goal is to issue regulations that protect consumers and promote fair, transparent, and competitive markets. We’ve created a variety of resources and tools to help financial institutions, service providers, and other entities understand and implement these rules. We also provide guidance materials on ongoing statutory and regulatory compliance.

In addition, we provide resources and tools to help entities within our jurisdiction, including those we supervise, become familiar with our supervision and the examination process. We also share trends we’ve observed in the course of our supervisory activities.

Implementation and guidance

Guides, bulletins, videos, tools and other support materials to help entities understand, implement, and comply with our rules.

Supervision and examinations

Our Supervision and Examination Manual will help you understand how examiners conduct examinations and assess compliance with federal consumer financial law.

Supervisory Highlights

We periodically publish Supervisory Highlights to share key examination findings and to help the entities we supervise limit risks to consumers and comply with federal consumer financial law. Our Supervisory Highlights do not refer to any specific institution in order to maintain the confidentiality of supervised entities.

Interstate land sales registration program

Regulation J of the Interstate Land Sales Act has been amended to permit the electronic filing of registration materials. 

Check out the instructions for electronic filing

Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans Registered Information Systems registration program

We have issued a final rule that creates consumer protections related to payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans. The final rule imposes processes for the registration of information systems and establishes eligibility criteria that entities must meet in order to become provisionally registered or registered information systems with the Bureau. 

Registration processes and criteria for registration of information systems 

List of Registered Information Systems