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  • Easy way to learn Building Design & Drawing
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  • Hello, as a new affiliate of Hoover Institution, I am looking for a ...long-term rental (Aug.20,2017-Aug.31,2018) in Escondido Village(2b1b)/Escondido South(2b1b)/Oak Creek(2b1b), thank you so much! See More
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  • Hi -- My name is James Kim and am currently in the Public Health Pr...ogram at Columbia University. I was fortunate enough to receive a summer intern position at Stanford Health Care for 12 weeks. However, I am still struggling to figure out my housing situation for the summer and reaching out for some help! Since I will only be there for 3 months, I am interested to sublet an on-campus or near the campus housing (actually anything... affordable). If you know anyone that's subletting their place through the summer or have any potential leads, please feel free to contact me at jwk2132@cumc.columbia.edu or PM me! Also, please let me know if there's another student housing group for graduate students within Stanford. (only group that I could find with the words - Stanford & Housing). Thank you for your time! James Kim See More
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PlacesStanford, CaliforniaCollege & UniversityStanford University R&DE Student Housing
The Roble gingerbread house in action. Turn up your sound - the lollipop lights flash in sync with the music!
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Florin Andrei Ilies
· May 23, 2013
Elixir of Eternal Life!

The president of Kazakhstan has asked scientists to invent an elixir of eternal life. He is 70 years old and feels great, having governed for 20 years with an iron hand a country the size of Western Europe, and nothing can stop him from doing that for the next ten years, according to La Stampa, indicating that the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has recently asked how can he manage to remain loved by almost the entire population of his country.

"I saw the results of an independent survey, which states that 92% of the Kazakhs love and respect him!"-Berlusconi exclaimed, with envy.

But like any powerful leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev cannot control one thing: time irreversible transition, more specifically, life and death. Thus, in a speech at a university in Astana, Nazarbayev urged the scientists of the new research institute in Kazahstan to study the "rejuvenation of the body" and "human genome, the production of human tissues and the creation of gene-based drugs."

The leader from Astana expressed his desire saying that: "People my age hope that this will happen as soon as possible". Some months ago, at a meeting of the governmental Commission for science and research, he had set the task to "ïnvent a remedy against old age and to develop methods for natural rejuvenation and immortality."
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Hooray for our awesome New Undergraduate Housing coordinators!

Matching the perfect first-year roommate is not work done by an algorithm, but by two students, 7,000 pieces of paper and a deep understanding of how Stanford freshmen connect.

Stanford has a long tradition of not revealing first-year roommate matches until students arrive for New Student Orientation.

We are so excited to welcome our newest residents! For new undergrads, just a reminder that your Approaching Stanford handbook includes great lists of what is provided in your room, what to bring and what not to bring!


A Handbook for Entering Students, Stanford University