Legal Notices for Google Maps/Google Earth and Google Maps/Google Earth APIs

Last Modified: December 17, 2015

Google is providing the following notices under applicable laws and contracts (the "Legal Notices").

The Legal Notices are incorporated by reference into the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service and the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service.

By accessing, downloading, or using Google Maps/Google Earth or the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs (collectively, the "Service(s)"), you are agreeing to be bound by these Legal Notices.

Unless otherwise specified, capitalized terms used in these Legal Notices have the meanings given to them in the Google Terms of Service, the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service, and the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service.

  1. Standards. The Services rely on widely recognized international standards for naming and mapping conventions. For example, for country and territory naming, we rely primarily on the ISO-3166 standard, which is recognized by the UN Statistics Division.

  2. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Notice.

    1. This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under the Google Terms of Service, the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms, and the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service. It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (b) of this notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract.

    2. This computer software may be:

      • Used or copied for use with the computer(s) for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which the computer(s) may be transferred;
      • Used or copied for use with a backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is inoperative;

      • Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes;

      • Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the modified, adapted, or combined portions of the derivative software incorporating any of the delivered, restricted computer software will be subject to the same restricted rights;

      • Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service Contractors or their subcontractors in accordance with paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this notice; and

      • Used or copied for use with a replacement computer.

    3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is copyrighted computer software, it is licensed to the Government with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph (b) of this notice.

    4. Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this computer software are to be expressly stated in, or incorporated in, the contract.

    5. This notice will be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part.

  3. Country-Specific Notices.

    1. Andorra

      Govern de Andorra

    2. Australia

      Certain content which is available as part of the Services is derived from data provided by Transport for NSW. Public Transport Customers requiring the most current information should check at

    3. Austria
      • BEV - BA fuer Eich und Vermessungswesen (Geocodes) © Österreichisches Adressregister, 2009. You are not permitted, at any one time, to use Austrian Postal Data to provide, display or provide access to mass downloads or bulk feeds of numerical latitude and longitude coordinates.

      • BEV - BA fuer Eich und Vermessungswesen (Map Data) © BEV, 2009

    4. Belgium
      • Institut Geographique National - IGN Belgium

      • Brussels UrbIS®© - Distribution & Copyright CIRB/CIBG

    5. Canada

      Google’s maps of Canada include data provided from the following:

      • Source Data: © 2015 DMTI Spatial Inc.

      • Statistics Canada 2005-2008 Road Network File

      • GeoBase -

      Google’s maps of Canada contain Postal CodeOM Data copied by Google under a sublicense from DMTI Spatial Inc., a party directly licensed by Canada Post Corporation. The Canada Post Corporation file from which this data was copied is dated September 2009 or later.

      Google maps du Canada contient des données qui ont été reproduites avec l'autorisation de DMTI Spatial Inc. sur sous-licence de la Société canadienne des postes. Le fichier de la Société canadienne des postes d'où proviennent ces données est daté de septembre 2009 ou plus tard.

    6. Denmark
      • © COWI A/S

      • ©

      • © The Danish Road Directorate / Vejdirektoratet

    7. Finland
      • National Land Survey of Finland © NLS, 2011

      • The Finnish Road Administration / Digiroad 2011

    8. France and Monaco
      • © IGN France © 2009 IGN France BD Topo ® IGN, © 2007 IGN France BD Ortho ® IGN 50cm, © 2011 IGN France - Ortho HR® IGN 20cm (Paris region)

      • © Principauté de Monaco

      • Contains information from STIF Open Data, which is made available here under the Open Data License (ODbL). Modifications and improvements to the database made available in GTFS format here.

    9. Germany
      • Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie - © Vermessungsverwaltungen der Bundesländer und Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

      • Trails and Points of Interest © Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung (

      • © 2012 Aerowest; municipal of Hilden, City of Oberhausen, City of Konstanz, Wuppertal, © 2007 Stadt Karlsruhe VLW

    10. Great Britain

      This Service contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2011, Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2011, and National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 ( All rights reserved. © South West Coast Path Team. Contains information of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited licensed under the following licence. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

      2015 UK roadworks and traffic disruptions data provided by Elgin and its licensors, which include Local Highway Authorities, Highways Agency, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales and Transport for London. For further information see

      Powered by TfL Open Data.

    11. Greece
      • EuroGeographics; Copyright Geomatics Ltd.

      • © 2012 Epsilon International SA

    12. Hong Kong

      Google’s maps of Hong Kong include business listings and transit data provided by Mapking International Limited –

    13. Hungary

      © GeoX – FÖMI – MoD Mapping Agency, 2012

    14. Ireland
      • © An Post GeoDirectory Limited 2012

      • This Service includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey Ireland. © Ordnance Survey Ireland year 2009. All rights reserved. Licence number AND09/09v1.0.

    15. Israel
      • Based on mapping data from Mapa - Mapping and Publishing Ltd ("Mapa"). © Mapa - Mapping and Publishing. The mapping data is protected by international copyright laws and international copyright conventions.

      • Your use of mapping data is permitted only for personal use (unless you are a business user where you can use the mapping for internal use, and in accordance with Google's terms that apply to the relevant Service) via Google's services.

      • Unless authorized by these terms or Google's applicable terms of use, you may not: (i) copy, duplicate, reproduce, modify, sell, trade, resale, reverse engineer, create derivatives, digitize, translate or transcode the mapping data; or (ii) use the mapping data with any products, systems, functions or applications otherwise connected to or in communication with vehicles, vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch, real time route guidance, fleet management, force management or similar application.

      • You undertake full responsibility and risk related to your use of the mapping data. Mapa is not responsible to you for the mapping data and does not make or give to you any representations or warranties, express and implied, in connection with the mapping data, including, but not limited to, the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usability of the mapping data. Therefore, Mapa is not liable to you for any damage or claim whatsoever, direct or indirect, arising from your use of the mapping data.

      • You will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Mapa from and against any and all claims or actions arising out of or in connection with your use of the mapping data accessed from or through Google's Services, including, but not limited to, losses, liabilities, damages, injuries (including injuries resulting in death), costs and expenses (including legal fees and costs).

    16. Italy (including Vatican City and San Marino)
      • © Geonext/DeAgostini

      • © 2005 ediMap di Marcello Robberto

    17. Japan
      • 日本の Google マップのサービスには、第三者から提供された著作権の対象となるデータに基づいて Google が変更したビジネス リスティング データが含まれます。当該データを許可なく使用すると、Google またはその他の者が保持する著作権を侵害することになる可能性があります。また商用利用は固く禁じられています。ユーザーがビジネス リスティング データを取得することは許可されていません。

      • Google および Google マップに表示されるデータの使用を許諾する第三者は、本データの使用に起因する(結果的損害を含む)いかなる損害についても責任を負わないものとします。

      • 日本の地図画像、または地図を元にしたコンテンツの作成に使用されている KANJIDIC 辞書ファイルは、Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group が著作権を有しており(© by the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group)、Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group のライセンスに準拠して使用されています。

      • この地図の作成に当たっては、国土地理院長の承認を得て、同院発行の50万分の1地方図及び2万5千分の1地形図を使用した。(承認番号 平26情使、第244-B28号)

      • ©2012 一般財団法人日本デジタル道路地図協会 この地図の作成に当たっては、一般財団法人日本デジタル道路地図協会発行の全国デジタル道路地図データベースを使用しました。( 測量法第44条に基づく成果使用承認 12-163N )

      • (株)トヨタマップマスター: 本品に使用している交通規制データは、道路交通法および警察庁の指導に基づき全国交通安全活動推進センターが公開している交通規制情報を使用して、(株)トヨタマップマスターが作成したものを使用しています。当該交規制データが現場の交通規制と異なるときは、実際の交通規制標識/標示などを優先して運転してください。当該交通規制データは無断で複写・複製・加工・改変することはできません。当該交通規制データが現場の交通規制と異なるときは、実際の交通規制標識/標示などを優先して運転してください。当該交通規制データは無断で複写・複製・加工・改変することはできません。

      • この地図の作成にあたり、平凡社と平凡社地図出版からのライセンス提供を受けています。

      • 交承 平成 25 年 110 号 JR データの内容は、株式会社交通新聞社発行の「JR 時刻表」平成 28 年 6 月号に基づ いています。この時刻データを無断で転載・複写し、又は紙媒体、電磁媒体その他いかなる媒体に加工することも禁じます。

      • ㈱ゼンリンの提供する地図データに基づいています。この地図データは世界各国の著作権法および国際的な著作権協定によって保護されています。当該データを無断転載/複写又は加工することを禁じます。

      • JRバスデータの内容は、株式会社交通新聞社作成のデータ平成 28年 6月分に基づいています。この時刻データを無断転載・複写や電磁媒体等に加工することを禁じます。

      Based on mapping data from Zenrin Co., Ltd. The mapping data is protected by international copyright laws and international copyright treaties. Reprinting, duplication or processing of the data without permission is prohibited. Map Data © Zenrin 2013

    18. Luxembourg

      © Administration du Cadastre et de la Topography (ACT)

    19. Mexico


    20. Netherlands

      © Andes B.V.

      When using public transit data for The Netherlands, the data may have been supplied by Reisinformatiegroep B.V. (9292). These data may not be used to: (a) provide any product or service that deliberately negatively affects the broad availability of open public transport information to the public (e.g., deliberately misinforms end users); or (b) provide any product or service that is unethical or tortious in respect of third parties, in particular public transport operators (e.g., promotes fare dodging). These data are not suitable for interpreting the performance of public transport operators. 9292 explicitly reserves its rights.

    21. Northern Ireland

      © Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland

    22. Norway

      Elveg©Statens kartverk and Statens vegvesen, N50 Kartdata©Statens kartverk

    23. Portugal
      • IgeoE - Portugal

      • © 2012 SRES DRIGOT

      • © CTT-Correios de Portugal, SA

    24. Russia

      GIS Innovatsia 2011, Database«TopoRF_1000000» (с) ДАТА+, 2006 2013 Rosreestr

    25. Singapore

      This Service includes mapping data licensed from MapIt MSC Sdn Bhd.

    26. Slovakia

      © Slovak Road Administration -

    27. South Africa

      © AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd

    28. South Korea

      Based upon electronic data © SK telecom Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Korean Association Survey and Mapping Review Completed No. 2012-018 (2012-05-09).

    29. Spain
      • Vectorial cartographic information based on Base Cartográfica Nacional from Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España

      • Ajuntament de Roses

      • Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès

      • Protected areas - EUROPARC España

    30. Sweden
      • © 2009 Cartesia GIS AB

      • © Lantmäteriet/Metria

      • © Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

      • © 2009 Vägverket

      • Based upon electronic data © National Land Survey Sweden

    31. Switzerland
      • © Swisstopo

      • Swiss Postal Data (March 2011) are © Die Schweizerische Post. You are not permitted, at any one time, to use Swiss Postal Data to provide, display or provide access to mass downloads or bulk feeds of numerical latitude and longitude coordinates.

      • © BSF Swissphoto

    32. Taiwan

      © 2013 Kingwaytek Technology Co., Ltd.

    33. Turkey

      © 2013 Basarsoft

    34. Ukraine

      © Transnavicom -

    35. United States.Google maps of the United States include data provided from the following sources:
    36. Worldwide
  4. Business Listings Data.

    1. Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Monaco

      When you search for local listings in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Monaco, your search results may include content (including business listings and related information) which has been supplied by Kapitol S.A. (trading as Infobel) (the "Infobel Content"). The intellectual property rights in the Infobel Content are owned by Kapitol S.A. or its licensors. The Infobel Content may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Service and the applicable terms and conditions of Kapitol S.A. If you know that your business listing is supplied by Kapitol S.A., and you have any questions about it you should contact them directly.

    2. Brazil

      When you search for local listings in Brazil, your search results may include content (including business listings and related information) that has been supplied by TeleListas S/A. The intellectual property rights in this content are owned by TeleListas or its licensors, and may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Service and any applicable terms and conditions of TeleListas.

    3. Bulgaria

      When you search for local listings in Bulgaria, your search results may include content (including business listings and related information) that has been supplied by New Europe Directories Bulgaria EOOD ( The intellectual property rights in this content are owned by New Europe Directories Bulgaria EOOD or its licensors, and may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Service and any applicable terms and conditions of New Europe Directories Bulgaria EOOD. If you know that your business listing is supplied by New Europe Directories Bulgaria EOOD and you have any questions about it, you should contact them directly.

    4. Italy

      When you search for local listings in Italy, your search results may include content (including business listings and related information) that has been supplied by SEAT Pagine Gialle SPA ( The intellectual property rights in this content are owned by SEAT Pagine Gialle SPA or its licensors, and may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Service and any applicable terms and conditions of SEAT Pagine Gialle SPA. If you know that your business listing is supplied by SEAT Pagine Gialle SPA and you have any questions about it, you should contact them directly.

    5. People’s Republic of China

      When you search for local listings in the People’s Republic of China, your search results may include content (including business listings and related information) that has been supplied by Dianping Holdings Ltd. ( The intellectual property rights in this content are owned by Dianping Holdings Ltd or its licensors, and may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Service and any applicable terms and conditions of Dianping Holdings Ltd. If you know that your business listing is supplied by Dianping Holdings Ltd. and you have any questions about it, you should contact them directly.

    6. Republic of Ireland

      When you search for local listings in the Republic of Ireland, your search results may include content (including business listings and related information) that has been supplied by Central Index ( and, trading names of Touch Local Ltd. The intellectual property rights in this content are owned by Touch Local Ltd. or its licensors, and may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Service and any applicable terms and conditions of Touch Local Ltd. If you know that your business listing is supplied by Touch Local Ltd. and you have any questions about it, you should contact them directly.

  5. Software.

    1. Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.

      Google Earth uses SpeedTree®RT technology (©2011 Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.). SpeedTree® is a registered trademark of Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. All rights reserved.

    2. NewSouth Innovations

      Google Earth uses Kakadu software as an integrated component. No usage rights, expressed or implied, are provided for said product independent of Google Earth. Kakadu is a trademark of NewSouth Innovations Ltd.

  6. Other Data.

    1. Some data in the Services are also licensed from the following content providers and rights holders:

      • Cybercity

      • Sanborn

      • Screampoint International