
participants in Stanford Ignite
In a recent workshop at Stanford Graduate School of Business, groups of students clustered around tables littered with Post-It notes, pencils, iPhones, pieces of string, cuts of cardboard and the occasional screwdriver. As they tinkered, they talked. Do you like your bathroom? Is your toothbrush...
cover of A Real Look at Real World Corporate Governance
Corporate misdeeds seem to grab headlines every day and, if you look behind the scenes, what most of these offenses have in common is a breakdown in corporate governance. Not surprisingly, Professor David Larcker at Stanford Graduate School of Business says there is good reason for us to be...
unlabeled arrows pointing all directions
For years, Apple told us to “Think different.” Burger King urges customers to “Have it your way.” And Nike famously tells us to “Just do it.” These slogans aren’t just catchy. They also work well, at least in part, because by inviting a comparison between the advertised brand and its rivals, the...
illustration - fishing in a sea of CVs
Nothing is more important than hiring. Nothing. Who you decide to hire impacts every part of your organization: from its values and vision to its ability to innovate, adapt and survive. You can't hire great people if you're just filling positions on a piece of paper. People aren’t interchangeable...
Stanford GSB Professor Jennifer Aaker
Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, writes, “Right-brain dominance is the new source of competitive advantage.” Tapping the right side of the brain allows for deeper engagement by uniting an idea with an emotion. The best way to do this? Tell a compelling...
