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Automating data acquisition into ontologies from pharmacogenetics relational data sources using declarative object definitions and XML.

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Stanford Medical Informatics, MSOB X-215, Stanford, CA 94305-5479, USA.


Ontologies are useful for organizing large numbers of concepts having complex relationships, such as the breadth of genetic and clinical knowledge in pharmacogenomics. But because ontologies change and knowledge evolves, it is time consuming to maintain stable mappings to external data sources that are in relational format. We propose a method for interfacing ontology models with data acquisition from external relational data sources. This method uses a declarative interface between the ontology and the data source, and this interface is modeled in the ontology and implemented using XML schema. Data is imported from the relational source into the ontology using XML, and data integrity is checked by validating the XML submission with an XML schema. We have implemented this approach in PharmGKB (, a pharmacogenetics knowledge base. Our goals were to (1) import genetic sequence data, collected in relational format, into the pharmacogenetics ontology, and (2) automate the process of updating the links between the ontology and data acquisition when the ontology changes. We tested our approach by linking PharmGKB with data acquisition from a relational model of genetic sequence information. The ontology subsequently evolved, and we were able to rapidly update our interface with the external data and continue acquiring the data. Similar approaches may be helpful for integrating other heterogeneous information sources in order make the diversity of pharmacogenetics data amenable to computational analysis.

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