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Small. 2016 Mar 2;12(9):1222-1229. doi: 10.1002/smll.201501845. Epub 2015 Nov 2.

Integrating Cell Phone Imaging with Magnetic Levitation (i-LEV) for Label-Free Blood Analysis at the Point-of-Living.

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Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection, Radiology Department, School of Medicine, Stanford University, CA, USA, 94304.
Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Stanford University, CA, USA, 94304.
Stanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University, CA, USA, 94304.
Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University, CA, USA, 94304.
Contributed equally


There is an emerging need for portable, robust, inexpensive, and easy-to-use disease diagnosis and prognosis monitoring platforms to share health information at the point-of-living, including clinical and home settings. Recent advances in digital health technologies have improved early diagnosis, drug treatment, and personalized medicine. Smartphones with high-resolution cameras and high data processing power enable intriguing biomedical applications when integrated with diagnostic devices. Further, these devices have immense potential to contribute to public health in resource-limited settings where there is a particular need for portable, rapid, label-free, easy-to-use, and affordable biomedical devices to diagnose and continuously monitor patients for precision medicine, especially those suffering from rare diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Here, a magnetic levitation-based diagnosis system is presented in which different cell types (i.e., white and red blood cells) are levitated in a magnetic gradient and separated due to their unique densities. Moreover, an easy-to-use, smartphone incorporated levitation system for cell analysis is introduced. Using our portable imaging magnetic levitation (i-LEV) system, it is shown that white and red blood cells can be identified and cell numbers can be quantified without using any labels. In addition, cells levitated in i-LEV can be distinguished at single-cell resolution, potentially enabling diagnosis and monitoring, as well as clinical and research applications.


blood count; diagnostics; magnetic levitation; point-of-care device; precision medicine, blood analysis

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