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Latest Blog Posts

  • White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities Announces New Executive Director

    Mark Linton is appointed Executive Director of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative, which works to develop partnerships between federal agencies and localities to spark economic development in communities that have faced significant long-term economic challenges

  • Impact in Place: ED Releases Report on “Place-Based” Strategy

    Communities that struggle with underperforming schools, rundown housing, neighborhood violence, and poor health know that these are interconnected challenges and that they perpetuate each other. The Department of Education's place-based framework helps the federal government better support a community’s response to such challenges by coming up with solutions that tackle multiple problems, including achieving better outcomes for students and their familes.

  • A Model of Collaboration: White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities

    The White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities is a new federal-local pilot that removes federal agency silos and allows federal government officials to work side-by-side with local leaders to create jobs, improve the business climate, and address local and regional challenges

  • HUD Hosts Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship Program Twitter Town Hall

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development hosts a Twitter town hall to launch the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship program.

  • Building Neighborhoods of Opportunity

    Choice Neighborhood Grants provide local leaders with flexible funds to transform high-poverty neighborhoods with distressed public housing into sustainable communities with mixed-income housing, safe streets, and economic opportunity.


Urban PolicyWorking Group

The Urban Policy Working Groups focus on initiatives that not only build on Administration priorities, but also embody a holistic and integrated approach to urban policy. These proposed initiatives recognize that our national urban policy should be flexible enough to adapt to (and indeed should strengthen the connection between) the multiple geographic scales -- neighborhood, city, and metropolitan -- at which leaders act to address increasingly complex challenges.

Urban Tour

The Urban Tour is an important illustration of the Administration’s commitment to Urban and Metropolitan America, and reflects the Administration’s bottom-up approach to reshaping the Federal-urban partnership. The tour approaches urban-metro regions as assets, and highlights innovations that are interdisciplinary and that are to the benefit of entire regions.