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The future of ANU and its role in Canberra

1,070 views 2 weeks ago
ANU was established in 1946 as a national university. With a mission focussed on research, its role and funding models were fundamentally different to the nation's existing universities. Despite this formula, rapidly creating Australia's most distinguished university as evidenced by, for example, national measures, world rankings, and numbers of Nobel Prizes, the 21st century finds ANU is fundamentally different from other universities both in terms of mission and funding model.

In this Order of Australia Association-ANU lecture given on 24 October 2013, Professor Brian Schmidt discusses his vision of how ANU can differentiate itself and make itself a corner-stone for future activities in government and non-government sectors.

Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt AC is an astronomer at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University.

For more information visit http://news.anu.edu.au/2013...
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ANU was established in 1946 as a national university. With a mission focussed on research, its role and funding models were fundamentally different to the nation's existing universities. Despite this formula, rapidly creating Australia's most distinguished university as evidenced by, for example, national measures, world rankings, and numbers of Nobel Prizes, the 21st century finds ANU is fundamentally different from other universities both in terms of mission and funding model.

In this Order of Australia Association-ANU lecture given on 24 October 2013, Professor Brian Schmidt discusses his vision of how ANU can differentiate itself and make itself a corner-stone for future activities in government and non-government sectors.

Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt AC is an astronomer at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University.

For more information visit http://news.anu.edu.au/2013... Show less
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