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Research Opportunities for Students & Postdocs

Fishermen interview in Kiribati
Fisherman interview in Kiribati

Prospective Graduate Students

   Our own graduate students put together this wonderful guide on how to get to Hopkins (or Biology Department at Stanford)


   The Center for Ocean Solutions is collaborating with seven Monterey Bay area academic campuses—
     CSU Monterey Bay, Hopkins Marine Station
     Monterey Institute of International Studies
     Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
     Naval Postgraduate School
     Stanford University
     UC Santa Cruz

— to enhance graduate marine education.

Careers - Updated regularly.

   A list of links to more information about careers in marine and aquatic sciences.

   A list of links to postings for jobs, post docs, traineeships, internships, etc. specific to the marine and aquatic sciences.

Job Placement

   List showing where our new Hopkins Ph.D.s are now working.

Graduate Student Awards

   There are a variety of awards given to graduate students while at Hopkins to help finance their research.