Courses / Management Science and Engineering / 3 units / MS&E 244: Economic Growth and Development

Economic Growth and Development

MS&E 244
3 units
June 20 - August 13, 2016

What generates economic growth. Emphasis is on theory accompanied by intuition, illustrated with country cases. Topics: the equation of motion of an economy; optimal growth theory; calculus of variations and optimal control approaches; deriving the Euler and Pontriaguine equations from economic reasoning. Applications: former planned economies in Russia and E. Europe; the present global crisis: causes and consequences; a comparative study of India and China. The links between economic growth and civilization; the causes of the rise and decline of civilizations; lessons for the future. Intended for graduate students.


Multivariable calculus and permission of instructor. To receive permission, submit an application. 2016 application information coming soon.


  • Enrollment limited and determined by application. Confirmed visiting students interested in enrolling in this course must apply and if approved, will receive a permission number.
  • This course is offered as part of the Summer Intensive in International Management, and qualifies toward the Certificate of Completion in International Management.


MS&E 249 Syllabus - 2013