Intensify Your Summer!

As you explore which classes to take this summer, you may be finding it hard to choose from over 175 classes from 35 departments offered at Stanford Summer Session. There are so many choices!

We hope that the Intensive Studies option may help you with your decision about which courses to take. The Intensive Studies were initiated because we heard from a number of you–our students–that you wanted to come to Stanford and focus your summer around a single intellectual pursuit. Some of you do this in order to deepen your existing knowledge and build a stronger portfolio for medical/graduate school or for employment. Or, you may want to use the summer to explore a completely new topic that you won’t get a chance to focus on at your home university. Whatever the reason is that leads you to participate in a Summer Intensive, you’ll walk away with a Certificate of Completion in your area of study, in addition to a Stanford University transcript.


Students focusing on the sciences have three great options under the “Scientific Foundations” area of study. In only one summer, complete an entire year of general or organic chemistry plus lab. Or, dedicate your summer to increasing your knowledge of computer science, such as databases (CS 143), computer graphics (CS 148), or client-side internet technologies (CS 193C).

Not interested in the science track? Then check out the “Global Perspectives” area of study, which includes certificates in Water Management, International Management, and Human Rights. Want to learn about water resources, sustainability, and building smart cities? Sign up for CEE 165C, CEE 171F, and CEE 177L. Or are you interested in business development? The International Management Intensive offers courses in money and banking (ECON 111), decision-making (MS&E 52), operations management (MS&E 260), and much more.

This year, the Human Rights Intensive focuses on the core course, INTNLREL 119: The International Human Rights Movement – Assessing its History, Work and Current Challenges, taught by Jim Cavallaro, professor at the Stanford Law School. It critically examines the origins of the human rights movement, its present and future, and analyzes the dilemmas and effectiveness of human rights advocates.

In addition to INTNLREL 119, Stanford Summer Session is proud to include two new classes in the Human Rights Intensive this year, both allowing students a truly unique and hands-on experience. ANTHRO 112: Public Archaeology – Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project, is an internship-style course that centers on historical archaeology in San Jose’s Chinese communities, and includes laboratory analysis of historic artifacts, field trips, and participation in public archaeology events.

Another class with an interactive component is COMPLIT 57: Human Rights and World Literature. In addition to readings on the history and philosophy of human rights in various global locations, students will get to create and populate a website with their findings throughout the course, which will continue to be shared with others in future classes.

We hope you take the opportunity to participate in a Summer Intensive. No separate application is required – students with a Stanford ID number can simply enroll in the select courses in Axess.

Get ready to intensify your summer!