Bernard Lauwers

Bernard Lauwers

Vice President, World Bank Group Controller,
IFC’s Chief Administrative Officer

Since February 2014, Bernard Lauwers has served as Vice President, World Bank Group Controller, in addition to his duties as IFC’s Chief Administrative Officer, which he assumed in September 2013.

As Vice President and WBG Controller, Mr. Lauwers is responsible for all aspects of financial operations, financial reporting, and internal control framework for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and the extensive Trust Fund/Joint Venture portfolio of these entities.  He also leads the client service function for the WBG corporate expenses and WBG trust funds.  His role at IFC includes oversight of IFC’s Financial Sustainability Business Partnership and its Budget and Finance Network as well as IFC’s Facilities and Administration, Data Governance, Portfolio Valuation, Information Technology, and Corporate Investment Operations.

In March 2009, Mr. Lauwers joined IFC as Controller and Director of the Finance and Accounting Department, where he transformed the IFC controllership function to increase its engagement with Operations via business partnership and value-added corporate support and services. 

Prior to joining IFC, Mr. Lauwers built nearly twenty years of international finance experience across various industries, including management positions in several large multinational companies such as Generale Bank, Owens-Corning Fiberglass, A.C. Nielsen, Cable & Wireless, and the UCB Group.

Mr. Lauwers holds a Master’s degree in Finance from Solvay Business School in Belgium and the designation of Certified Financial Analyst by the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies.  A Belgian national, Mr. Lauwers is married and has four children.