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About the Preserve

Wyethia glabra in bloom at Jasper Ridge Biological PreserveJasper Ridge Biological Preserve (JRBP) is located near Stanford University's campus in the eastern foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains. The preserve encompasses remarkable geologic, topographic, and biotic diversity within its 485 hectares (1198 acres) and provides a natural laboratory for researchers from all over the world, educational experiences to students and docent-led visitors, and refuge to native plants and animals.

The careful management of the preserve's ecosystems in as natural a state as possible allows scientists to quantify changes observed in similar ecosystems affected by a range of human impacts. In addition to facilitating first-rate research, this highly accessible field station provides undergraduate educational experiences and plays an active role in educating the general public.

View the Jasper Ridge Video

Site Characterization Information

Location:  A low ridge in the eastern foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains at the base of the San Francisco Peninsula, 7 kilometers west of the main Stanford University campus, San Mateo County, CA.
Latitude: 37°24'N 
Longitude: 122°13'30"W
USGS Maps: Palo Alto 7.5' shows the entire preserve; Woodside and La Honda 7.5' include the rest of the San Francisquito Creek watershed.

Size: 485 hectares (1,198 acres) owned by Stanford University. Maximum East-West dimension about 4 km; maximum North-South dimension about 2 km.

Elevation: 66-207 meters (217-679 feet)
Climate: Mediterranean.
Precipitation: 652 millimeters (26 inches) per year for water years 1975-2004.
Topography: the preserve covers the northern half of Jasper Ridge, a long, flat-topped ridge with a northwest-southeast axis within the San Francisquito Creek watershed. Northeast and southwest exposures flanking the ridge drain into streams, wetlands, or a eutrophic lake within the Preserve.
The south half of what is referred to as Jasper Ridge is outside the preserve boundary and part of the Town of Portola Valley

Aerial view of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

Aerial view of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve