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The Air Force asked me if I wanted an orientation flight in a T-38. My little boy brain and my Aerospace Engineering brain were slamming against each other the entire flight. Ask me questions about the flight. I might do a Q&A about this on the second channel.
610bob's profile photoNathaniel Watkins's profile photo
Fantastic video, as always.

You talked about how there's a counterweight that pulled the stick back forward during that high G loop. But would that same counterweight pull the stick forward or make it lighter when you dip the nose down?
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I found a lady at NASA who burns astronaut Pee.... because Astronauts pee out their bones.
G Maya's profile photoJeff Froman's profile photoMike Chowtee's profile photo
+Jeff Froman I don't know how to make a video out of it, but I'm sure you can explain it to him to where he can understand. 
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NEW VIDEO! Stop for just a second and think about the fact that WE SENT A DRILL TO MARS. How incredible is that? I wanted to know what kind of bit you'd send and if it's got a problem with breaking or overheating like my drill bits do. The jackhammer process seems to fix this! A huge thank you to Megan and Ryan for taking the time to teach me all about the Mechanics of Drilling on Mars!
Daniel C.'s profile photo
Let's send a radar guided spatula just for kicks...
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Most tours of the International Space Station don't make sense, at least to me... This is because we're used to living in 1g. I decided to make a tour of the ISS that WOULD make sense in a way that helps us feel like we understand the "rooms" of the space station and where they are located. Also... the video game radar thingy is cool as junk and I thought it would be fun to make one for a space ship.
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I would like to speak to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg. I will be nice, I promise.
Andrew Lewis's profile photo610bob's profile photoMatthew Callison's profile photoMatt Lee's profile photo
I actually closed my Facebook account (a very painful and slow process) when I saw Facebook doing this to you. I'll actually talk to my friends like in the old days. 
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No bolt of lightning? I was told we get bolts of lightning.

My story is similar except for the preachery Dad part.


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I've been studying Potato Guns for YEARS. I always thought firing from the center was the best way to do it. Turns out I'm probably wrong.
Nib Numbly's profile photoKent Oxley's profile photoDustin Wiley's profile photoRainer Nagel (angor)'s profile photo
IMHO the first cardridges were ignited in the middle. Today they are ignited on the end. One reason is reliability (the firing pin for igniting in the middle needs to be more thin and fragile). Maybe the other reason is better though-ignition.
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Merry Christmas! Here's a Q&A where We go through your most popular questions together!
Angieisnotoriginal Mendoza's profile photoShashank Jadhav's profile photoJason Feng's profile photo
+SmarterEveryDay Hey Destin! Merry Christmas! I really love all your videos =D Could you do a feature on the landing of stage one of Falcon 9? One obvious question is why not use parachutes for recovery. I know that this has been covered in the subreddits, but I would really like to know what's your take on this. Happy 2016!!!
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We've all heard people say "YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES". Well... turns out that they're probably right. Let's investigate the stranger parts of our vision.
James Kilroy's profile photoMichael Stiller's profile photoKram Einsnulldreizwei's profile photo
Oh, well, that color-on-a-black-and-white-image actually is a case of adaption. It happens for all senses as well:
Perhaps you've been to a loud room before and then left and found a really quiet room. If you did that you might have noticed how everything you hear sounds kind of dull. Only after a while your full ability to hear is restored. This is equivalent to the afterimage in vision.
Similarly, if you smell something when entering a room, even if the smell persists, eventually you won't smell it anymore. But if you then go to a neutrally smelling place, you'll "smell something" which is actually just the lack of that other smell.
And if you touch something over a longer period of time, you cease to feel it. - For instance, unless they are seriously uncomfortable, you won't constantly consciously feel the clothes you wear. It's the same effect.
This is a result of how neurons work.
Neurons essentially are constantly in a state of imbalance when NOT activated. Electrical charges are separated in them.
If they are activated, those charges suddenly can move freely and there is a "spike" which ripples down through your nervous system.
After that, those neurons are discharged and they need some time to recover again. During this time it's impossible for them to send along another signal.
Now if you have constant exposure to something (like, say, a static black-and-white image while not moving your eyes), some of those neurons are constantly being told to trigger, even when they can't. That means the overall effect of the signal is dulled and diluted.
For the eyes specifically there are some extra subtleties beyond that (and this generally is rather simplified) but really the basic idea is always the same. Some cells are usually in a "ready" state, then they "discharge" and then they have to "recover" during which time their ability to do their task is more limited which, in distribution, causes an apparent weakening of the original signals.
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Stop and think about this: 80-90% of the world's population of Tasmanian Devils have died off in your lifetime because of FACE CANCER.... and you probably (like me) didn't know it. Whoa....

Oh, and there's the fact that one of the main guys trying to save them has never seen the Warner Brothers cartoon... but that's a separate issue.
Dhrubo Mohammad's profile photoNelson Brown's profile photoArmando Forno's profile photo
+Dhrubo Mohammad I'll try to be clear because I don't know the corresponding words in english :)
As the spinning ball touches the ground, the ground's surface exerts a force ON the ball which is equal and opposite to the force that the ball exerts on the ground's surface (3rd Newton's law). This force applied to the ball stops it spinning and makes it spin the opposite way. The reason why you have this phenomenon is friction properties of the ground: the less slippery the ground, the more visible is this courious phenomenon. A similar explanation can be given to the way we walk: when you walk, you exert on the ground a force with your foot. This force is the opposite way you are going. For the 3rd Newton's Law (again) the ground exerts a force on your foot which is equal and opposite to the force you exert on the ground. This is the actual force that makes you 'walk' forward. If this wasn't clear, try and think of walking on ice with soap on your bare feet: you'll fall everytime you'll try stepping forward because there's no friction between your feet and the icey surface :D . Was this clear enough? ;)
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commented on a video on YouTube.
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Hey guys, just got a notification about this and commenting on my phone via 3G. My connection won't let me watch the video, and I'm unfamiliar with your channel, but I'd like to apologize because from the title I can tell what has happened. The YouTube Content ID system automatically did this. I'm trying to get to a connection right now that will let me fix it. Please forgive me. Feel free to email me via http:\\ There is no conspiracy, just an embryonic youtube algorithm. Again, please accept my apologies.

Side note: it's rather interesting to see ao many people angry at me. All seem to be assuming the worst.


commented on a video on YouTube.
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What a fun little video to put in the archives for posterity. Thanks for making a word I can wrap my head around Brady.
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I get Smarter Every Day, and make fun science videos sharing my progress...
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