Dining Meal Delivery Service

Protocol to Access R&DE Stanford Dining Meal Delivery Service

R&DE Stanford Dining Meal Plan and Mirrielees Students

  1. Student identifies flu symptoms to RA (resident assistant), PHE (peer health educator), RF (resident fellow) or RD (residence dean)
  2. If RA, PHE or RF are informed first, they contact RD
  3. If student is informing RA, PHE, RF, or RD during meal period, RD contacts on duty dining hall manager for first meal delivery. This is to prevent a student from missing a meal.
  4. RD fills in on-line questionnaire at mdsadmin.stanford.edu
  5. On-line questionnaire form generates email to: RD form originator and R&DE Stanford Dining meal plan office
  6. Student SUnet ID entered by R&DE Stanford Dining which allows student access to meal delivery site
  7. Student emailed link to meal delivery website by R&DE Stanford Dining
  8. Student orders meal delivery service (mds.stanford.edu requires Web Auth)
  9. Order confirmation emailed to student by meal plan office
  10. Student identifies to RA, PHE, RF, or RD they have recovered from flu
  11. RD informs Dining Hall meals are no longer needed
  12. If student has not ordered meal service for 24 hours, Dining Hall confirms student status with RD
  13. SUnet ID is removed from the system by R&DE Stanford Dining when meal delivery service is no longer needed

Row Houses Students

  1. Ill students living in a Row house will be served meals by their house
  2. In the event of a significant number of ill students in a single house, R&D Stanford Dining will assist the house with meal service requested by Res Ed

Graduate Students

Ill Graduate students will receive meals primarily from friends or roommates.

If this is not sufficient and meal delivery is needed:

  1. Grad student requests to have meal delivery service from CA (Community Associate) or GLO Dean (Grad Life Office Dean)
  2. If CA is contacted first, CA contacts GLO Dean
  3. GLO Dean fills in on-line questionnaire at mdsadmin.stanford.edu
  4. On-line questionnaire generates email to: GLO Dean form originator and R&DE Stanford Dining meal plan office
  5. Student SUnet ID entered by R&DE Stanford Dining which allows student access to meal delivery site
  6. Student emailed link to meal delivery website by R&DE Stanford Dining
  7. Student orders meal delivery service (mds.stanford.edu requires web auth)
  8. Order confirmation emailed to student by meal plan office
  9. Student identifies to CA or GLO Dean they have recovered from flu
  10. GLO Dean informs meal plan office (rde-meal-delivery@lists.stanford.edu) that meals are no longer needed
  11. If student has not ordered meal service for more than 24 hours, meal plan office confirms student status with GLO Dean
  12. SUnet ID is removed from the system by R&DE Stanford Dining when meal delivery service is no longer needed