Teaching Kitchen @ Stanford

Stanford Dining montage of food and students

Cook Smart logo

Good food choices and home-cooking are vital to leading a healthier and happier life. On Oct. 6,
R&DE Stanford Dining and the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation launched Jamie Oliver's Cook Smart Program, a hands-on cooking program using Chef Jamie Oliver’s healthy recipes and inspiring teaching style. Through this groundbreaking new program, tailor-made for Stanford, students will learn how to eat healthier and build confidence in cooking for themselves and others.

Apply today! Class space is very limited. Click here for an application. 

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Teaching Kitchen @ Stanford Stanford Dining Chefs with Jamie Oliver

Cook Smart,
the Program

Learn more about
the partnership

Through this nine-week, hands-on cooking program, we aim to inspire change through food education. Taught by R&DE Stanford Dining chefs who have been trained and certified by the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation, Jamie Oliver's Cook Smart Program will teach students mindful eating, healthy cooking, and basic cooking skills.

Click here for more information about the partnership between R&DE Stanford Dining and the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation.


Questions? No Problem! Learn more about how to enroll, what you can learn when attending the Teaching Kitchen @ Stanford and much more. Click for more information.