Once You're Assigned

Residence Welcome TeamOverview

The Housing Assignments office assigns students to buildings and room types through the various assignment rounds. Specific room assignments and roommate assignments are managed by Residential Education.


  1. Specific room/roommate assignments are made under the direction of Residential Education’s local Area Administrators.
  2. In some residences, room/roommate procedures are delegated to Resident Assistants or house officers, or they are determined by house residents.
  3. The In-House Draw (conducted annually after the main Draw in May) allows students to select rooms by class level and then draw number.  If there are students from two class levels applying as roommates, the lowest class level applies.
  4. Students assigned after the In-House Draw are assigned rooms by Residential Education Area Administrators.
  5. Co-ops are self governing and may assign rooms based on consensus meetings held before the start of each term.
  6. In all cases, no room/roommate assignments are final until after students have moved in to their assigned residences (they can change over the summer). If you have questions about room/roommate assignments, you should contact your Residential Education local Residential Hub Office. You can reach the appropriate hub office by calling (650) 725-2800.

Special Room Situations

Accessible Rooms

If you don’t have a disability and you are assigned to a room that’s been designated ‘Accessible to Students with Disabilities,’ it is possible you will be required to move at the end of a given quarter. This situation may occur in order to accommodate another student with special needs. Your local Residential Hub has a list of these rooms for your reference.


Housing Assignments reserves the right to reassign students at the beginning of each quarter in order to consolidate partially-vacant rooms to meet the undergraduate guarantee.

Moving In

Please review the Moving-in section for all moving-related information, including checking in, what to bring, a move-in checklist, and mail delivery. This section will answer many of your pre-arrival questions about your residence, the best way to get to Stanford, where to stay if you want to arrive before your move-in date, and more.

For information on canceling an assignment see Canceling Your Housing. For reassignment information, visit the Reassignment section.
NOTE: If you are unable to pick up your key by the second business day after your contract begins, you must notify your Housing Front Desk in writing of your intent to arrive late including the date and time of your planned arrival. Housing assignments will only be held for late arrival until Wednesday of the first week of the academic term for which your contract begins. After this date, your assignment can be canceled and you can be charged a no-show administrative fee.