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  1. prije 2 minute

    Egypt says archaeologists discovered three sunken shipwrecks dating back more than 2,000 years off the coast of the city of Alexandria.

  2. prije 8 minuta

    BREAKING: House Ethics Committee says it has begun an investigation into sexual harassment complaints against Rep. John Conyers.

  3. prije 14 minuta

    Ad: JFK was assassinated on 11/22/63 - Get 's Kennedy books collection today

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 22 minute

    President Trump took on the presidential duty of pardoning turkeys, giving two honored birds a reprieve from the holiday table.

  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 1 sat

    The Mashpee Wampanoag tribe shared a Thanksgiving meal with the Pilgrims. Nearly 400 years later, a new generation is reviving the long-lost language that gave us words like pumpkin and powwow. Story:

  6. prije 32 minute

    Harvey Weinstein paid $1 million to silence an Italian model who accused him of groping her in 2015, a New Yorker report says.

  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 45 minuta

    BREAKING: AP Source: Former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar will plead guilty to multiple charges of sexual assault and face at least 25 years in prison

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 36 minuta

    "Roy Moore denies it, that's all I can say," Trump said. "He denies it."

  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    A New Yorker report says paid $1 million to silence model who accused him of groping her

  10. prije 44 minute

    President Trump discounts accusations against Roy Moore.

  11. prije 1 sat

    Arkansas man pleads guilty to stealing laptop from actress Geena Davis.

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 1 sat

    BREAKING: Trump discounts allegations against Republican Roy Moore and says, 'We don't need a liberal person in there.'

  13. prije 2 sata

    21-year-old woman arrested in the death of her 80-year-old grandfather, who police say she stabbed over 40 times.

  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 4 sata

    Hall of Famer Joe Morgan sends letter imploring voters to keep steroid users out of baseball's Hall. Read the letter

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 2 sata

    Fowl ball: Maine police department warns residents to steer clear of turkeys that were picked from supermarket's trash bin.

  16. prije 2 sata

    The Latest: Rep. John Conyers acknowledges his office has settled a harassment complaint involving a former staffer but denies the allegations against him.

  17. prije 2 sata

    The Latest: Nancy Pelosi says House Ethics Committee must investigate "any credible allegation of sexual harassment" by Rep. John Conyers.

  18. prije 2 sata

    BREAKING: House Dem leader Pelosi calls for ethics probe of any `credible allegation of sexual harassment' against Conyers.

  19. prije 2 sata

    The Latest: PBS ends its partnership with Charlie Rose, host of its long-running interview show, after several women accused him of sexual misconduct.

  20. prije 2 sata

    The Latest: The U.S. issues new sanctions on four Chinese trading companies and a Chinese national said to have conducted hundreds of millions of dollars in business with North Korea.

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