WHOAccount verificato


Official Twitter account of the World Health Organization, the United Nations' health agency

Geneva, Switzerland
Iscritto a aprile 2008
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  1. Tweet fissato
    24 gen

    We talked to some delegates at this week’s Executive Board meeting (). Here is what 🇳🇿 has to say about WHO’s proposed new vision

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  2. ha ritwittato
    24 gen

    Infectious threats are on the rise. Many local epidemics become international rapidly. WHO works to keep the world safe.

    , , e altri 4
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  3. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa

    is essential for children's healthy brain development. Join the consultation until 6 February, to make

    , , e altri 7
  4. 8 ore fa

    Our Executive Board () is discussing WHO's new vision. 🇨🇦's shared her impressions

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  5. 9 ore fa

    Nous avons parlé à certains délégués présents à la réunion de notre Conseil exécutif de cette semaine (). Voici ce que 🇧🇯 a à dire sur la nouvelle vision proposée par l'OMS

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  6. 10 ore fa

    Мы пообщались с некоторыми делегатами 142-й сессии Исполнительного комитета (). Вот что думает 🇰🇿 о новой визии ВОЗ

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  7. ha ritwittato
    22 gen

    Three years of conflict have turned into the worst man-made humanitarian crisis of our time. The & the community launched an appeal for $2.96 billion to support ppl in need. Here's how you can help ▶️

  8. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    's access to healthcare is improving: 10/30 facilities rehabilitated, more and better medical staff, new equipment! Read more:

  9. ha ritwittato
    12 ore fa

    Looking forward to the joint WHO-- event on Universal Health Coverage at the April WB Spring Meetings – keeping the momentum up! Huge thanks for the generosity of 🇯🇵: $50 million towards . Thanks Vice-minister Suzuki!

  10. 14 ore fa

    is essential for children's healthy brain development. Join the consultation until 6 February, to make

    , , e altri 7
  11. 15 ore fa

    WHO walks the talk! and Executive Board delegates during a break 💃🕺🏾. The discussions continue. Watch live the webcast: 🎥:

  12. 17 ore fa

    WHO has a leading role in making the world safer from emerging infectious threats. Countries have given WHO the aim to prevent, protect against, control and respond to the international spread of disease.

    , , e altri 3
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  13. 17 ore fa

    Our Executive Board is meeting this week (). Country focus is at the heart of WHO’s new vision. 🇹🇭 shares their thoughts on the

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  14. ha ritwittato
    21 ore fa

    5 🔑s to : 🔑 Keep clean 💦 🔑 Separate raw & cooked food ❌ 🔑 Cook thoroughly♨️ 🔑 Keep food at safe temperatures🌡 🔑 Use safe water & raw materials 💧

  15. ha ritwittato
    18 ore fa

    WHO supports water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in health care facilities to achieve goals in 🇸🇸

  16. 24 gen

    🇳🇬 set to vaccinate 25 million people against with support from WHO and partners.

    , , e altri 3
  17. 24 gen

    Q: Why are some babies formula-fed? A:

    , , e altri 3
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  18. 24 gen

    Conversamos con algunos miembros de nuestro Consejo Ejecutivo (). Aquí la opinión de 🇲🇽 sobre la nueva visión de la OMS

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  19. ha ritwittato
    24 gen

    is a vaccine-preventable disease caused by a virus and transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

    , , e altri 4
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  20. 24 gen

    We will celebrate 2018 in 🇱🇰 Minister Senaratne shares his views on WHO

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  21. 24 gen

    During this week's Executive Board meeting (), shared 🇸🇪's impressions on the WHO General Programme of Work

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