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    Remember that time we hung out with our science idols Bill Nye AND Neil deGrasse Tyson on the same day?? If you haven't seen it, check out our vlog/behind the scenes of filming some stuff with both of them. Who are your science idols?
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    LOL, is this accurate? What other fictional characters do you see us as?
    LOL, is this accurate? What other fictional characters do you see us as?
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    #TBT to the year when we started AsapSCIENCE (over 4 years ago!!). Such little babies.
    #TBT to the year when we started AsapSCIENCE (over 4 years ago!!). Such little babies.
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    For this year's Science Literacy Week, we're recommending our fave science reads for you to enjoy! Today's pick is Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos'. Watch our video to learn the ten things that blew our mind when we read it! https://youtu.be/EE8YPcgiCoE What are your favourite science books? Be sure to check out Science Literacy Week on Twitter for more book recommendations!
    For this year's Science Literacy Week, we're recommending our fave science reads for you to enjoy! Today's pick is Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos'. Watch our video to learn the ten things that blew our mind when we read it! https://youtu.be/EE8YPcgiCoE What are your favourite science books? Be sure to check out Science Literacy Week on Twitter for more book recommendations!
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    LOL this is too true for us! How do you see us?
    LOL this is too true for us! How do you see us?
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    Have questions for us? We recently did a Q&A that you can watch here! But if you still have a burning question, ask it here and we'll try and answer it in our next one :)
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    Who signed our petition to #SaveTheArctic? Thank you for all of your support! If you haven't watched the video yet, please check it out and share: https://youtu.be/CrRDtZp96jw
    Who signed our petition to #SaveTheArctic? Thank you for all of your support! If you haven't watched the video yet, please check it out and share: https://youtu.be/CrRDtZp96jw
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    Hey Asapsters and SCIENCE lovers! Welcome to our new community tab where we can hangout, share extra stuff (like behind the scenes) and get to know you better! To start, let us know what got you interested in science, or why it inspires you!
    Hey Asapsters and SCIENCE lovers! Welcome to our new community tab where we can hangout, share extra stuff (like behind the scenes) and get to know you better! To start, let us know what got you interested in science, or why it inspires you!
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