Lion Intimidates Crocodile
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I think the lion was telling to the croc, "Back off, buddy. I'm the king of the Jungle! You don't wanna mess with me...
I've seen this on one of my movies before the movie includes a cheetah and lion mother raising their cubs
Love the ball shot on the lion at the beginning lol!
That isnt his tail...
Ballsy the lion used Roar. It was super effective!
Another reason why the lion is the king of the beasts. Also why lions are my favorite animals.
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He has muscles on his tail
xanthic14 2 days ago 34
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Lion "come at me bro"
croc "na I'm good"
lion "u pussy u wanted to start something now let's go"
croc"my bad I didn't realize it was u"
crocs friends "oh shit leave the lion alone bro he'll fuck u up badly, he's the king after all"
8stelth0recon8 1 day ago 24
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