
Two Strangers in a Sandbox: Lessons for Life

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Published on Sep 23, 2013

There are so many things we all wish we knew when we were younger. (Like pulling a girl's hair isn't actually the best way to win her over.) But what else do you wish you would have known?

In honor of those life lessons that stick with us, we invited two strangers to join us in a recycled playground we built outside of the Youtube Space, and share their life lessons with us.

Check out how we built the sandbox! http://youtu.be/nR8_zjf_w20

Lessons for Life believes that lives can be changed when individuals receive the right insights on life. In 10 years, the goal is to get one million people from all walks of life to share their life lessons. Help them reach their goal! What are the three things you wish you knew when you were younger?

Submit your lessons at http://lessonsforlife.me/submit

Music by Lullatone

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