The Newsroom - Tea Party is the American Taliban

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Published on Aug 27, 2012 by

For a fictional show (based on actual events), this is the truest news story you have ever seen.

From Episode 10 of "The Newsroom" by Aaron Sorkin.


News & Politics


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  • T-Party. T stands for Taliban. It also means that they want to tea-bag everyone's rights.

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  • You've spent too much time in the spa-rapist ARE allowed visitation and/or custody in 31 states. Do the search I suggested. Furthermore, the republican platform does not allow for an abortion in ANY case at all, even if the health of the mother's at risk. Remain studiously ignorant if you wish, but the rest of our country had better wake up before we're Talibanized by crazy right wing religious freaks. Your notes about our impoverished nation points to an obstructionist republican congress.

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  • "Those without photo ID are disproportionately low-income, disabled, minority, young, and older voters. Numerous non-partisan organizations have debunked claims of widespread voter fraud, the purported basis for these laws." This is worrying for the Republicans because the majority of these groups vote Democrat. Republicans wanted to keep Obama at one term so this was their solution - keep those Democratic voters out of the booths. It's profiling at the most ridiculous level.

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  • Tea Party is nothing more than a proto-evolution of the KKK.

    It should not be a surprise that states with the highest member rate also have the highest rates of civilian militias, abortion clinic bombings and the good ole' confederate flag replacement.

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  • This is such a joke, someone please prove me wrong.

    1. It's takes at most 1 hour to go down to the DMV and get a drivers license

    2. This video is assuming most older people are democrats (younger people 99% of the time have a drivers license) when in actuality it's a well known fact that most elderly people side with republicans

    3. Voter ID laws prevent people who aren't citizens from voting (mainly illegal immigrants, who by the way are statistically known to vote more democrat)

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  • In other words, helping out other to maintain global co-operation, and by helping other countries that are in need, the United States Government is putting it's citizens first, because without effective and compassionate foreign policy and practice, trade and economic strength in America would diminish, making more unemployed and starving citizens than could be handled.

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  • Ok, I'm not from the USA so feel free to take my position with a grain of salt, but this debate is big in Australia as well. With the world as advanced as it is all economy, trade, and production of food is at a Global level, anyone one government can't realistically cut itself off from the rest of the world and maintain it's prosperity (assuming It's a country that prospers), Therefore co-operation with other countries (including foreign aid) is and should remain a high priority.

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  • An excellent very thoughtful and thought provoking piece. I highly recommend it.

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  • Um. Yes, you are sorry. The only time, in modern times, that unemployment apprached 11% occurred under RONALD REAGAN. Unemployment is at 7.9 and heading lower.

    But... yes, I understand that being a fascist, as you have chosen to do, also generally comes with "The Big Lie", which you folks need to keep repeating.

    Rather than spending your time purging the fascists from your party... and finally leveling with yourselves and the rest of America... don't. Embrace who you are: liars and fascists

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    Today is a good day to be an American, and a bad day to be a Fascist Republican.

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