  • Comments • 1,361

    Darth Tribal
    Anybody here refreshing the page over and over waiting for the new trailer?
    View all 6 replies
    Brittany j Taylor
    I am waiting for more top 10s
    Jugdeg Grogs
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    tyler slaven
    Show the Darth Vader trailer!!!
    German Creek
    What darth Vader video
    Tajia Hutchinson
    YESSSS, we've waited long enough
    Rafael Pires
    Jigen Patel
    In a galaxy far, far away....*
    Justin Bleber
    rey is the rrecnartariotn of vader and ankin is msame
    Lord Cat Vader
    Hey +Star Wars, will you ever upload a Rogue One Teaser? I'm waiting!!!!
    View all 5 replies
    John Perkins
    The Amazing Plushy Bros Comic Con next month
    John Perkins
    The New trailer is up there, look on imdb if you cant find it
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    The Library
    If anybody from the Star Wars: Rebels team happens to read this, I must applaud you. BEAUTIFUL reference in the latest episode. Won't spoil it for anyone here who has yet to see it, but beautiful job on the reference ntl.
    Why did you remove the celebration (full) video? I was looking forward to watching it
    View all 7 replies
    I agree. But Day 1, while it may still be 'up', is "Private" and cannot be watched. I wonder if something was said in the Rogue One panel that shouldn't have been? Bummer, 'cause I really wanted to see that when I got home from work :(
    Greedo Trandoshen
    Actually, the full day videos should always stay up.
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    andrew roncallo
    To all you devs at Star Wars, I make one final plea for the character Maul. I still believe Maul should live, and that he should have some sort of long lasting victory that he can witness and enjoy. But if he has to die, then let there be some meaning behind his death. The idea of just Vader or Obi-Wan just killing Maul doesn't sound appealing or fulfilling. The problem is that the scenario would be the end of TPM all over again. If Maul is to die, then it should be meaningful, and play a part in the series. Sort of like how Obi-Wan sacrificed himself for Luke, or how Vader was turned back to the light, and saved the galaxy by the end of life. I'm not saying Maul has to become a good guy, or do something that would contradict his character, but he is deserving of a meaningful victory of his own. Maul is an iconic character in Star Wars, and if he were to die this way, then it wouldn't be a proper end to his character. His death would just feel like one used for plot device. If he meets his end, he should have at least been able to come close to the hope he was looking for, or had at least turned Ezra to the dark side. With all of this said, I've made my case, and hope that you all have at least considered what I've said when the final few episodes of this season hit T.V. Forever a die hard Star Wars fan, Andrew Roncallo P.S......I might be pushing the envelope here, but I hope Ahsoka survives as well.
    Fact Free
    Post trailer NOW!!!!!!!!!! :0
    Seth Otto
    Live Stream is "Private" all of a sudden???
    View all 3 replies
    Same thing happened for me (just went to check out a thing and forgot make it on other tab). But if you find anything, where I could watch it, it would be nice if you shared :)
    Seth Otto
    I was watching the livestream, accidentally clicked away, came back and I was locked out. The screen said, "Private." Boo.
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    Twinji Tech
    I want dat trailer!
    Matt, King of the North
    Oi, mate, you forgotten to upload the trailer or something?
    Justin Bleber
    Stormtrooper MK-97
    Hoping you actually release the trailer this time!
    If Rogue One is as good as it looks, then I would want them to make the Darth Bane trilogy or series. Star Wars is so much better with some anti-hero stories mixed in to make the villains more complicated and interesting. It gives the universe more depth when the villains try to prove they aren't evil, but just believe something different. On top of that it makes the heroes, like Luke Skywalker, more heroic in (somewhat) ending the reborn Sith'ari line that began with Darth Bane and over 1,000 years lead to Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. "You truly are BANE of the Sith!" - Fohargh, a Student of the Sith Academy on Korriban "That's MY name." - Bane said just before killing Fohargh with the force.
    I would be happy if the Eternal Empire was incorporated into the canon and appeared in perhaps the end of episode 8 or 9 that returns to again throw the galaxy to its knees .
    The StarWars Girl
    WHAT HAPPENED TO AHSOKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hayden Boyter
    Lets think about it. She was trapped in a room with the most powerful Sith Lord ever. He walks out. She is dead.
    Darth Whiner
    +Flosia Fleur I knowq right!!
    Thank you so much for bringing back Grand Admiral Thrawn!!!
    Brittany j Taylor
    What happened to the top tens??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    COME ON! Let's get SWC Day 1 and Day 2 up for your fans!! You're not going to lose a thing by doing so. You're only going to make us more anxious and excited for what's to come. It would really help out all those who weren't able to attend this year get excited for the next year. Let's do it.
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