Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin. Epic Rap Battles of History #10

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Uploaded by on Jun 23, 2011

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Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is an Epic Rap Battle of History. These videos could not be possible without the help of many talented people, and without you. Thanks for watching.

Cast and Crew:

Ben Franklin: Lloyd Ahlquist

Billy Mays: Colin J. Sweeney

Vince Offer, the Shamwow Guy: Nice Peter

Directed by Dave McCary:

Edited By: Sean Barrett

Director of Photography: Jon Na

Audio Mixing By: Rafael Serrano

Props/Costumes/Art: Mary Gutfleisch

Hair and Makeup: Ceciley Jenkins

Assistant Director: Patrick McIntyre
Behind the Scenes: Tremain Hayhoe
Production Coordinator: Aaron Zaragoza
Produced by Mickey Meyer for Maker Studios

I hang out here:

see you soon,

-nice peter




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  • When i saw the outlining of the Sham-Wow guy, i went like "OHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEETTTTT"

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  • Theodore Roosevelt VS. Franklin D. Roosevelt! :D

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  • sham-wow killed dis shiieeet!

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  • gilligan vs Jack from Lost

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  • Selena Gomez vs Hyuna

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  • but he already "beat the shit out of er"

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  • benjamin won these 100 percent but he could havehad a better match up nilly mase makes no sence

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  • 99 bottles of "ben franklin wins" on the wall

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  • wow... spam bots... thanks youtube!

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  • all i said was "oh no anyone but him" lol

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