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Now that the pronunciation of Carbine has come into question, we've turned to our favorite book, the dictionary! Surprisingly, "CarBEAN" is the correct pronunciation.

The more you know... 
Dave Dean's profile photoCasper's profile photoBadWithComputer's profile photomarauderEBR's profile photo
Also tell these know-it-all children that play call of duty all day that have never shot a gun before in real life that the FAMAS is not pronounced "fuh-mahs"   (fuh sounds like fuzz, mah sounds like mock) but pronounced "fah-muhs". (fah sounds like fond, muhs sounds like mustard. Notice how vowels can have multiple pronunciations, even if it means having  2 of the same vowels in one word. Get your ass to class kiddies.
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For the record, no one can replace Anoj. However, the show must go on and we are proud to have HaYDuh continuing Anoj's legacy.
EvErLoyaLEagLE's profile photo
We miss you, Anoj
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I was still killing people at a large distance even with an SMG. The hitboxes and aim were pretty forgiving so I didn't feel the need for a sniper rifle.
StoneMountain64's profile photo
Agreed, the other weapons were far more powerful, you put yourself at a disadvantage using it really. Still pretty fun though if you get acog
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Shorewarz knows gaming! I love your in-depth take on this. Great breakdown of what Titanfall brings to the table.
Steven Nunn's profile photoThomas Cox's profile photo
I like to think i'm pretty good, I have been playing CS for years, and I enjoy the battlefield franchise, I enjoyed CoD 4 cause of the pro mod stuff. I do retract that statement though, Imho, Blops 2 was better then MW3, I hated MW3, I thought the gun balance and map design was awful, even though I didn't like how you couldn't hear footsteps in Blops 2.
So they don't get worse every year, that was obtuse of me, I apologize. I don't hate CoD as a franchise, I just haven't been interested in what they have been making for years now, every once and a while when steam does like a free weekend, I might hop on with some of my friends and play, but for the most part I don't enjoy the game anymore. Now usually I would start praising Battlefield, but BF4 has been kind of a train-wreak, Even though after the most recent patch, it finally works and I have been able to put some hours in, I don't really like how buggy it has been. I still like it a lot, and I still think that the game's mechanics are a solid as ever.
Titan Fall, I will be picking it up, giving it a shot, but I stick by the statement that CoD makes too much money to fail, it sales too many copies and is too popular, it could no longer exist in like 5 to 10 years, but for now, I don't think even Battlefield can out sale it.
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I was sick of being with my family over the holidays. Does that count?
Jose Orlando Munoz Ortiz's profile photoJerichonumber2's profile photo3choBlaster's profile photoMrSlade369's profile photo
+Jose Orlando Munoz Ortiz Family is annoying......especially when you already see them enough before the Holidays.
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This hits close to home. I have the "teeth falling out" dream almost every week. Also, I have a giant pixelated dungeon door in my living room.
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A great League of Legends video even if you don't play it.
MachinimaRealm's profile photo
Thanks Respawn!
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This isn't just "a futuristic COD" that should be written off by anyone. It feels somewhere in between COD and Battlefield. It's fast paced like COD but definitely not just a twitchfest. I wish I could be playing it right now!
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This is scarier than 90% of horror movies coming out these days.
DIRTYscoutt's profile photoGabriel Pålsson's profile photoLilyann Wilson's profile photo
totally scarier than the movies. I agree
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Just for future reference to everyone, toothpaste is poisonous and you shouldn't eat it.
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