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12.2.15 Global Trial/Probation Periods

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The trial period is an initial period of service during which the manager or supervisor assesses the performance of a newly hired employee to determine if the employee meets the requirements and expectation of the position. To the extent permitted by each country’s law, each employee will serve a probationary trial period of no longer than 12 months. Supervisors should consult with their unit HR Manager and/or Global HR Programs regarding termination of an employee during or at the end of the trial period.

12.2.14 Senior Staff

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.2.13 Global Paid Holidays

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Paid holidays are determined by each country’s traditions, customs and law. Global HR Programs maintains a list of paid holidays in each country, which is updated and published annually.

12.2.11 Grievance Policy

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.2.10 Staff Retirement

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Stanford or its affiliates offer a variety of retirement plans to international employees, depending on the country of work and citizenship of the employee.

12.2.9 Separation from Global Employment

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It is the goal of the University and its affiliates to separate regular employees in conformance with all laws and regulations. Global HR must be consulted before taking any termination or severance action outside of the US.

12.2.8 Miscellaneous Authorized Absences

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In addition to Vacations, Sick Leave and Paid Holidays, Stanford employees or employees of affiliates may be eligible for paid absences in compliance with regulations in the country of work.

12.2.7 Sick Time

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Stanford or its affiliated entities will establish a sick leave policy in each country in compliance with that country’s laws. Country-by-country policies will be maintained and communicated by Global HR Programs, in conjunction with University Benefits and disability providers. Stanford employees paid through Stanford’s US payroll will accrue and request sick leave in accordance with regular staff policies.

12.2.6 Global Vacations

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Stanford or its affiliated entities will establish a vacation policy in each country in compliance with that country’s laws. Country-by-country policies will be maintained and communicated by Global HR Programs. Stanford employees paid through Stanford’s U.S. payroll will accrue and request vacation time in accordance with regular staff policies.

12.2.5 Global Compensation of Staff Employees

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Global hiring requires a variety of approaches to compensation. Stanford practices a total reward strategy to attract, reward, motivate and retain the best possible talent, while taking into account market conditions in the country of hire, programmatic need and budgetary considerations.


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