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12.2.8 Miscellaneous Authorized Absences

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In addition to Vacations, Sick Leave and Paid Holidays, Stanford employees or employees of affiliates may be eligible for paid absences in compliance with regulations in the country of work.


Approved by the Vice President for Human Resources

In addition to Vacations, Sick Leave and Paid Holidays, Stanford employees or employees of affiliates may be eligible for paid absences in compliance with regulations in the country of work. Many countries require paid leaves for circumstances such as the employee’s wedding, meeting civic requirements, etc. Paid time off should be granted as appropriate, with verification of the event and the law requiring payment after consultation with Global HR Programs and/or Global Business Services/Payroll.

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2. Unpaid Absences

The University or its affiliates will provide unpaid leaves of absence as required by law in each country and in conformance with general University policy regarding unpaid leaves. Consult with Global HR Programs if such leave is requested.

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3. Length of Leave

Each leave of absence must be for a definite period with specific starting and ending dates. A leave cannot extend beyond the end of a fixed-term appointment or employment contract.

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4. Return from Leave of Absence

As the law in each country varies widely on the release of employees to return to work following leave, Global HR Programs should be consulted if an employee fails to return to work.

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