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Korea Program Courses

Teaching plays a central role in Shorenstein APARC's mission to increase the study of contemporary Asia among the rising generations of students. Korea Program faculty and distinguished fellows teach both undergraduate and graduate courses at Stanford University. These courses are offered through a variety of departments and schools across the University, including economics, political science, sociology, education and business.

Many courses listed below have syllabi attached that provide further description. Please refer to the Stanford Bulletin for up-to-date course and registration information.


Modern Korean History (HISTORY 95/195; 2016-17 Spring), Yumi Moon


Economic Development and Challenges of East Asia (ECON 124/IPS 224; 2016-17 Spring), Yong Suk Lee


State and Society in Korea (INTNLREL 143/ SOC 211, 2016-17 Spring), Gi-Wook Shin


Movies and Empire in East Asia (HISTORY 390E; 2016-17 Spring), Yumi Moon


North Korea in Historical Perspective (HISTORY 290/390; 2016-17 Fall), Yumi Moon


Economic Growth, Development, and Challenges of East Asia (IPS 224/ECON 124), Yong Suk Lee


Intimate Encounters: Reading and Translating Modern Korean Literature (KORLIT 230/330; 2013-14 Fall), Dafna Zur


U.S. Policy toward Northeast Asia (IPS 244), Thomas Fingar, Michael H. Armacost, Daniel C. Sneider, David Straub


Kangnam Style: Korean Media and Pop Culture (KORGEN 101/201), Dafna Zur


Childhood and Children's Culture in East Asia: Print and Visual Texts of China, Japan and Korea (KORGEN 140/240), Dafna Zur


Issues in U.S.-Korea Relations Issues in U.S.-Korea Relations (EASTASN 189K/289K), Kathleen Stephens


Narratives of Modern and Contemporary Korea (KORGEN 120/220), Dafna Zur


Law and National Security in Korea (EASTAN 190K/290K), Joon Seok Hong


An Insight into North Korean Society (EASTASN 189K/267A), Katharina Zellweger


Asia-Pacific Transformation (SOC 167A/267A), Gi-Wook Shin


Korea's Relations with Major Neighboring Countries and its Growing Role on a Global Stage (EASTASN 189K/289K), Joon-woo Park


State and Society in Korea (SOC 111/201), Gi-Wook Shin


Anti-Americanism in U.S.-Korean Relations (EASTASN 188K/288K), David Straub


The Korean War: the Origins, Outbreak, and Aftermath (HISTORY 292/392), Yumi Moon


How the Korean Divide Determines both North and South Koreas’ Thinking and Policy (EASTASN 189K), Sang-Hun Choe


Nations and Nationalism (SOC 309), Gi-Wook Shin


The South Korean Economy (EASTASN 181/281), Byongwon Bahk


The Politics of Divided Korea (POLISCI 240L), Young Whan Kihl


The Politics of Divided Korea (IR 116), Myung-Koo Kang


(EASTASN 189K/289K), Hakjoon Kim


Traitors and Collaborators in Colonial History (HISTORY 195), Yumi Moon


Readings in Korean History (HISTORY 292/392), Yumi Moon


The Two Koreas (HISTORY 195), Yumi Moon


Korea and East Asian International Relations (POLISCI 112K), Seo-Hyun Park


Modern Korean History (HISTORY 195), Yumi Moon


Democracy after Democratization: The State, Economy, and Civil Society in Contemporary Korea (SOC), Jang Jip Choi


Historical and Comparative Sociology (SOC 316), Gi-Wook Shin


The Varieties of Capitalism in East Asia: Politics of Economic Reforms (IR 117), Myung-Koo Kang


Korean Politics and Society (POLISCI 240L), David Kang


International Relations and Peace Building (EASTASN 185K), Young-Kwan Yoon


International Relations of Korea (POLISCI 115R), David Kang


Korean History and Culture through Film (HISTORY 195), Chicho Sawada


Emerging Power for Change: Civil Society in Korea (EASTASN 184K), Won-soon Park


Contemporary Issues in U.S. Relations with Northeast Asia (IPS 281), Michael  H. Armacost


Korean History and Culture through Film (HISTORY 293), Chiho Sawada


U.S.-Korean Relations (POLISCI), Park Soo-gil

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