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Women of Color in STEM event

Women of Color in STEM: Round Table Dinner

In partnership with the Women’s Community Center, BEAM brought Stanford Alumnae to campus to speak with students over dinner about what it is like to be a thriving woman of color in STEM fields, assuring students they were not alone. Read below about what students and alumnae had to say about connections made during the event. 

The Alumnae

“The roundtable dinner was one of the most inspiring events I’ve been to in recent years.  As someone on the job market, it was inspiring to meet women who used their talent and drive to get to where they are now, making huge differences and impacts in the process.  I now have connections that I can reach out to for career and professional advice, both now and in the future.”  Irene Onyeneho, ‘14, Researcher, Stanford University PhD - Molecular and Cellular Physiology 

“Spending time with Stanford women of color in the same sacred spaces that I discussed womanhood, diversity, and life is such a positive out of body experience. I want to support them in any way I can and share with them the knowledge that I have learned.  This is what Stanford women did for me when I was in college and I am honored to support them.”  — Alexandria Butler, ‘11, Program Manager, NetApp CEO and Founder, Grown Up Truth BA, Communications and Spanish

The Student

“It was very inspiring to see women of color in the places and positions that I see myself in once I graduate. I appreciate each panelist sharing about their personal journey. It’s always reassuring to hear from those who’s aspirations and path to success is relatable.” — Gabrielle Dotson, ‘17, Bioengineering