Explore BMIR

At BMIR we develop computational methods for biomedical discovery that influence medical decisions.

Our faculty, students, and staff investigate and create novel computational, statistical, and decision-making methods to handle the ever increasing amounts of data in healthcare and biomedical research. See our People page for contact information.  

Learn more about the cutting-edge ways we are advancing technology and biomedicine to improve human health.

Our state of the art research advances patient care by improving semantic technology, biostatistics, and the modeling of biomedical systems. Read more about our research labs.

Join us for our weekly research talks featuring world-renowned scientists, faculty, staff, and students.

BMIR Colloquia and Research in Progress talks occur on Thursdays from 12-1 PM during the academic year in Medical School Office Building room X275, 1265 Welch Road, Stanford, CA. See schedule.  


Gevaert and Cheerla Create Web-Based Tool for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Adventures of a Proud Data Parasite

Analyzing other people's data has been linkened to research parasitism. Purvesh Khatri is "repurposing data to ask and answer questions that are not addressable using traditional approaches". He is "a proud data parasite."

"A Good News Story"

It’s not often that a story contains both good news and an asterisk. This article, about patients with life-threatening familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), is one such story.

Notable Projects and Services

CEDAR is making data submission smarter and faster, so biomedical researchers and analysts create and use better metadata.


The NCBO manages a repository of all the world’s publicly available biomedical ontologies and terminologies—now more than 390 in number.

Protégé is the most widely used ontology-development system in the world.

Diagnostics - Infectious Diseases

EteRNA, an online puzzle, enlists video gamers to try to design a sensor module that could make diagnosing TB as easy as taking a home pregnancy test.

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Green Button

Green button: the promise of personalizing medical practice guidelines in real time


CoINcIDE, is a novel methodological framework for the discovery of patient subtypes across multiple datasets that requires no between dataset transformations.

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