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CASBS Announces 2017-18 Fellows

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Center is delighted to announce its 2017-18 class, comprised of 37 fellows representing 26 institutions in the U.S. (19) and abroad (7).

The new class of fellows also represent a diversity of fields across or intersecting with the social and behavioral sciences: architecture, communication, economics, electrical engineering/applied physics, environmental science, history, journalism, law, linguistics, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, and statistics.

Nineteen (51%) of the incoming fellows are female.

Several fellows will be supported by the Center’s partner fellowship programs: five by the Berggruen Philosophy + Culture Center; one by the William T. Grant Scholars Program;  and one by Presence, a center at Stanford Medical School led by National Humanities Medal recipient Dr. Abraham Verghese. The Science and Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI) within the National Applied Research Laboratories of Taiwan (NARLabs), a federal government agency, is sponsoring a Stanford-Taiwan Social Science fellow.

"The fellows program lies at the heart of the CASBS enterprise,” said Sally Schroeder, the Center’s associate director. “Fellows represent all that is great about this place. It’s imperative that we continue to attract the highest quality, innovative thinkers, and we’re confident we’ve reached that standard of excellence once again with the 2017-18 class.”

The fellows will be joined by a group of three visiting scholars and seven research affiliates. The list is not final, as there may be additions in the coming months. Biosketches for the 2017-18 class are now posted.

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Since its inception in 1954, researchers associated with the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University have explored vexing questions and concerns. They have created and extended knowledge of our world and contributed to evidence-based policy and solutions. More than 2,500 fellows have flourished on the Center’s hilltop campus, among them luminary figures in the nation’s public and intellectual life. Kenneth Arrow, Erik Erikson, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Albert Hirschman, Daniel Kahneman, Arthur Koestler, Thomas Kuhn, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Robert Merton, John Rawls, Edward Said, Deborah Tannen, Amos Tversky, and Oliver Williamson are just a few examples. CASBS alumni include 25 Nobel Laureates, 23 Pulitzer Prize winners, 51 MacArthur fellows, and 26 National Medal of Science winners. Learn more at and here.

The 2017-18 fellows, research affiliates, and visiting scholars:








John Ahlquist

Political Science

University of California, San Diego

Shahzeen Attari

Environmental Science and Psychology

Indiana University

Carrie Cihak Public Affairs, Public Policy, and Urban Studies

King County Government

Shelley Clark


McGill University

Jennifer Crocker


Ohio State University

Doug Downey

Sociology Ohio State University

Tasha Fairfield

Political Science

London School of Economics

Graham Gottlieb

Public Policy U.S. Agency for International Development (until 2017)

Ariela Gross


University of Southern California

John Hagan


Northwestern University

Phillip Hammack


University of California, Santa Cruz

Ron Harris


Tel Aviv University

Libra Hilde


San Jose State University

Susan Holmes

Statistics and Probability

Stanford University

Laura Kray


University of California, Berkeley

Terra Lawson-Remer



Tim Liao


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hsienming Lien


National Chengchi University

John Markoff


New York Times

Carolyn Merchant


University of California, Berkeley

Abdul Ghafar Noury

Political Science

New York University Abu Dhabi

Sarah Ogilvie


Stanford University

Ann Pendleton-Jullian


Ohio State University

Nathaniel Persily


Stanford University

Hector Postigo


Temple University

Arati Prabhakar

Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics

DARPA (until Jan. 2017)

Tenzin Priyadarshi


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Adrian Raftery

Statistics and Probability

University of Washington

Julio Rios-Figueroa

Political Science

CIDE (Mexico)

Debra Satz


Stanford University

Aaron Shaw


Northwestern University

Yi-Yuan Tang


Texas Tech University

Beth Van Schaack


Stanford University

Judy Wajcman


London School of Economics

Carolyn Warner

Political Science

Arizona State University

Ernest Wilson III


University of Southern California

Francille Rusan Wilson


University of Southern California

Wen-Hsin Yeh


University of California, Berkeley


Research Affiliates:

Jake Bowers Political Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bob Gibbons Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David B. Grusky Sociology Stanford University
Roberta Katz Anthropology Stanford University
Eric Klinenberg Sociology New York University
Arnie Millstein Medicine Stanford University
Woody Powell Sociology Stanford University
Noelle Stout Anthropology New York University
Abraham Verghese Medicine Stanford University

Visiting Scholars:

Andrea Pozas-Loyo Political Science UNAM (Mexico)
Hana Ševčíková Statistics University of Washington
This list may increase in the coming months and is not final.



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Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University

75 Alta Road, Stanford CA, 94305 USA |  +1 (650) 736-0100 |