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Stanford Humanities Institute - a great way to spend summer

Professors Caroline Winterer and Christopher Krebs taught Ancient Rome and Its Legacies during this summer's Stanford Humanities Institute.

The Stanford Summer Humanities Institute is a three-week residential program where rising high school juniors and seniors explore the big questions at the heart of the humanities in seminars led by distinguished Stanford professors. (Image credit: L.A. Cicero)

Points of View: Why Classics?

Lorenz Eitner Lectures on Classics Art and Culture

With these annual lectures on Classical Art and Culture we honor the memory of a renowned scholar, teacher and writer.

March 13, 2017
Richard Talbert (UNC)

Stanford Classics Early Career Visiting Fellows

Prof. Isabelle Torrance

In 2013 the department established this program to support outstanding early-career Classicists. Prof. Isabelle Torrance is our fellow for the 2016-17 academic year.

Alumni and Friends of Classics