Office of Research Administration

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) provides an array of services for sponsored projects administration at Stanford University. ORA collaborates with multiple central and school partner groups to help deliver effective research administration services, systems, policies, and processes. The premier function of ORA is to ensure Stanford is fully compliant with sponsor terms and conditions, University policies, and federal regulations and requirements.

ORA is composed of Research Financial Compliance and Services (RFCS) and the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR). RFCS provides compliance oversight and services to Stanford’s research community. RFCS consists of five divisions: Research Administration Policy and Compliance; Cost and Management Analysis; Property Management Office and Research Financial Reporting.  ORA also provides oversight and direction for the Stanford Electronic Research Administration (SeRA) system.

OSR provides pre-award and post-award administration services which include the review and endorsement of sponsored project proposals, negotiation and acceptance of sponsored project awards, negotiations and issuance of subawards. OSR also establishes and administers sponsored accounts, prepares financial reports, reviews and approves cost transfer transactions and completes administrative and financial closeout deliverables. Within OSR, is Sponsored Receivables Management (SRM) which issues invoices, reconciles and posts payments for sponsored research projects.


3160 Porter Drive Mail Code 8445
Palo Alto , CA 94304
United States
T: 725-2525


Associate Vice President
Executive Assistant