Stanford Blood Center (Part of the Stanford University School of Medicine)

The Stanford Blood Center provides de-identified blood components and blood byproducts from healthy donors for in vitro investigational use, as well as phlebotomy services. The Stanford Administrative Panel for Human Research has approved these activities.


Department of Special Donations

Email:, Phone: (650) 723-6667

Description of Services

Depending on your needs, we can collect tubes or whole units of blood from individuals selected by the researcher or recruited by the Stanford Blood Center based on special criteria (e.g. HLA type, CMVsero status, red cell antigen, etc.).

We can provide anything from leukocytes (buffy coat from whole blood, residual leukocytes), plasma (frozen or liquid), platelets, red blood cells, to whole blood. We can also customize your products with irradiation, leukoreduction, or other product manipulation, or by modifying the collection procedure to fit your needs. 

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