Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality Around the World  cover

Empowered Educators

An international comparative study of teacher and teaching quality in the world’s top-performing education systems. 

Performance Assessment Resource Bank

A free online collection of high-quality performance tasks and resources that support the use of performance assessment for meaningful learning.
Global Education Reform cover

Global Education ReforM

This book documents the ideologically and educationally distinctive approaches countries around the world have taken to structuring their education systems.

Our Mission

The Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) fosters research, policy, and practice to advance high-quality, equitable education systems in the United States and internationally.

SCOPE is an affiliate of the Stanford Graduate School of Education and the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, and sponsors the work of the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity.

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When Teachers Need to Learn Deeply
Ann Jaquith describes one district's effort to provide educators with sustained opportunities for learning.
How Can California's New School Finance System Foster Deeper Learning
What paved the way for the LCFF and LCAP policies to take root in California? Soung Bae elaborates in this Learning Deeply post.
In Iowa, Supporting Deeper Learning for Educators by Leveraging Collective Capacity
Iowa's TLC System is intended to foster supportive working conditions for teachers by leveraging the expertise of accomplished teachers.