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Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

It is the policy of Stanford University to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 and its regulations, which prohibit unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex. The Title IX Compliance Officer is Catherine Glaze, who has been appointed to coordinate the University's efforts to comply with the law. Anyone who believes that Stanford is not in compliance with Title IX and its regulations should contact the Title IX Coordinator, Mariposa House (2nd floor), 585 Capistrano Way, Stanford, CA 94305, (650) 497-4955 (voice), (650) 497-9257 (fax), (email). (See also the following section for addressing Title IX Concerns relating to sexual harassment.)

Title IX Concerns Relating to Sexual Harassment and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013

Catherine Glaze has been appointed Stanford's Title IX Coordinator to respond to matters of sexual assault, relationship (dating) violence and stalking (prohibited conduct). The Title IX Coordinator serves as a resource to review allegations of prohibited conduct and may provide interim accommodations relating to housing, academics, or no-contact letters while a matter is being reviewed. When prohibited conduct has been confirmed by a preponderance of the evidence, the Title IX Coordinator will provide long term accommodations and services to students to address the effects of sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Title IX Student Policy provides the grievance procedure and appeal mechanism to review the University's actions relating to a Title IX concern involving Prohibited Conduct; see the Title IX web site for additional information. Additional resources are available the Sexual Assault Support and Resources web site. Ms. Glaze's contact information is; (650) 497-4955. An individual may contact the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR). See also Administrative Guide Memos 2.1.2 Recruiting and Hiring of Regular Staff, 1.7.1 Sexual Harassment, 1.7.2, Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships, and 1.7.3, Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault.