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2.1.2 Admitting Graduate Students to Matriculated Study: Implementation

Last updated on:
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

1. Admitting Graduate Students to Matriculated Study

The process of admitting graduate students to matriculated study at Stanford University makes use of an electronic application (CollegeNET) and the PeopleSoft Student Administration data base. In addition, students who are offered admission will use Stanford’s student web portal, Axess, to enter admissions offer decisions and take other steps to advance their admission to Stanford. The following table displays the steps in the process, indicating the responsible individual or organization. In many cases, these actions are governed by deadlines that may be set annually by Stanford or by the degree program.

1. Notifies Graduate Admissions Office of program admission requirements and deadlines. Department
2.  Maintains official descriptions of university processes and requirements for admission, including applicable deadlines. Graduate Admissions
3. Reads and follows the advice and directions on the Graduate Admissions web site and the relevant admissions sections of department and program web sites.  Applicant
4. Completes the online application by the deadline indicated on the Graduate Admissions web site.  Applicant
5. Arranges to have official transcripts from each postsecondary school attended and letters of recommendation sent directly to the department/program to which he or she is applying (letters are submitted within the electronic application system, CollegeNET).  Applicant
6. Via a system load process, receives application records and converts the data contained in those records into the University’s PeopleSoft Student Administration data base (SA), creating a PeopleSoft application record and an Empl ID number for the applicant. Graduate Admissions

Regularly monitors the the CollegeNET system (ApplyWeb Administration or Admit) to identify new applications. and manages the department’s application process. If using a paper file review process, prints application, recommendations, and other materials as needed.

8. Monitors the PeopleSoft SA database or the Admit system for receipt of official ETS test scores, rankings, and other relevant data. Department
9. Receives transcripts, incorporates into applicant packages, and forwards to the appropriate selection committee by that program’s internal deadlines or utilizes the Admit system for on-line review. Department
10. Reconciles list of applicants with information in PeopleSoft, and notifies Graduate Admissions of any discrepancies. Department

Prepares and mails acceptance letters to admitted applicants. Acceptance letters should include:

  1. the name of the degree program into which the applicant is admitted;
  2. financial support offered to the student, if any;
  3. a statement that this acceptance is conditional on the fulfillment of admission requirements (e.g., verification of credentials, official ETS reported scores, adequate English proficiency, adequate funding for visa certification) by the Graduate Admissions Office;
  4. the applicant’s Student ID number, and instructions for responding to the offer of admission.

If admission includes financial support: 

  1. Specify the conditions and the amount of the award. 
  2. Include information relating to the Council of Graduate Schools Resolution, stipulating that students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15. Students may be asked to reply in a timely manner, but may not be asked or pressured to make a decision before April 15th. For additional information, see the Council of Graduate Schools web page
12. Prepares and mails turn-down and wait-list letters to the applicable students. Wait-list letters, if applicable, should include the date by which the applicant should be notified of final decision.  Department 
13. Enters decisions regarding acceptance, denial, and wait-listing into the PeopleSoft SA data base.  Department
14. Monitors the PeopleSoft SA data base. Sends an email message to all admitted on where to find instructions for creating the SUNet ID to record the decision of the offer. Graduate Admissions
15. Once the admission is received, acts on that decision by following directions to create a SUNetID and record the decision (accept or decline) of the offer in Axess. Applicant
16. Monitors PeopleSoft SA database for acceptances, and upon notification of acceptance, sends all transcripts (including Emplid ID# and program name) to the Graduate Admission Office for verification of fulfillment of admission requirements (e.g., credential verification, visa certification, ETS reported scores, evidence of adequate English). See GAP 2.2, Requirements for New International Students, for additional processes related to international students. Department
17. After the student has accepted the offer of admission, verifies all credentials and receipt of ETS GRE general (and TOEFL if applicable) scores, including international degrees, visa certification, and evidence of English proficiency, for admitted students who have accepted their admission.  Verifies credentials on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Graduate Admissions
18. Notifies the degree-granting program/department of concerns about student credentials, if any. Graduate Admissions
19. Notifies the applicant of concerns regarding any condition of admission. Graduate Admissions
20. Approves enrollment and matriculates the accepted student to their degree program. Graduate Admissions


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